So, my friend I have known forever was going to be my maid of honor. When I first got engaged I decided it would be alot of fun to go to a Bridal day that was in the bordering state. So me and her planned for months to go to it. The day of the expo. came about and i took off driving (after i drove 90 miles to get to where she was) she decided, she didn't feel like going.! Ugg i was soooo mad! Luckly my other friend was with her and she decided she would go with me instead. That day, I decided she'd be my maid of honor and i'd keep the unreliable friend as a bridesmaid. So now, 3 months before the wedding we decided to go pick out bridesmaid dresses. I made plans and let my MOH and "unreliable bridesmaid" know 3 weeks ahead of time.Well, today, (the day before the shopping) my "unreliable friend" says she can only be there for a half an hour!!!! Becasue she and her boyfriend are going to work a double shift together.....(yesterday she called off to go to the movies, but something we've planned for 3 weeks!!! she didn't even ask to get off)
How do i let her know she's not in the wedding anymore???? Im stressed as can be and i dont need this!!!!