
How do I tell her she looks bad?

by  |  earlier

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ok there is the girl that i think could look pretty good if she just fixed some things but i don't want to hurt her




  1. you should send her a email and say what she could fix and say that it was someone secret

  2. i know how u feel. im the type of person who doesn't hurt feelingz

    so i guess just leave it.;...

  3. if shes your friend than i see theres a reason to give some suggesions just be nice about it as u can

    plz answer my question and thanks;...

    hope this helps


  4. Make some suggestions to her. like u know what would look good on u? & then make your suggestion.for instance say to her have u thought about wearing your hair like this. or I think this pair of pants would look good on u. Good Luck

  5. What sort of things need fixing? And are you willing to pay for these changes?

    You should buy a gift voucher at a salon and give it to your friend. Say something like your female friend gave you the voucher, but you don't want it.

    Buy her things like a make-up kit for her birthday.

    Or say something like, "Hey, I think your eyes would look GREAT if you made them stand out! They're a pretty shape!".

    Goodluck! <3

  6. Silence is golden :)

  7. When you talk, ask her if she likes e.g. that hair? Or that makeup. And IF she says yes, then tell her she would look pretty with it too.

  8. just don't say anything  

  9. If someone tells me what I should do to look nicer, it wouldn't hurt my feelings in any way.  But, that doesn't mean I am going to listen to that person.  I think you should tell her once, if she didn't fix those things, don't tell her again.

  10. dont tell her

  11. You don't.  First of all, she's not your friend, girlfriend, or family member.  Second, she didn't ask your opinion.  Third, just because you have some ideas about what would make her more attractive to you, doesn't mean that they are actually helpful ideas.  I'm sure she's satisfied with her appearance, and even if she isn't, until she asks your opinion, don't offer it.

  12. Against the rules.

  13. bad idea bro.

  14. haha. um. well when the situation is right then tell her. "look if u wanna look hot then..."

  15. make a suggestion like: "hey sarah, do you ever wear your hair in a ponytail?  NO? oh, well i think you could pull it off really well"

  16. Hahah!! From a girls point of view here, Don't offend her!!! Tell her what You love about her! Maybe not the day you tell her what you like about her, but slowly get into, "Hey! You know what would look soo cute on you!?" and say what you want to tell her, But Dont be harsh!

    If it were me i'd like people to tell me if I looked like c**p!


  17. Just don't.  

  18. Don't go there.

  19. Yeah, don't. That'd just make her upset that you think something's wrong with her. Your best bet is just to let her figure it out on her own.

  20. You could get chattin and then say hey, you would look great if you did............

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