
How do I tell her to leave me alone??

by Guest60290  |  earlier

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Okay so this girl I was kind of friends with last year won't stop following me and my friends at lunch. She is really shy and awkward, but also really rude and negative.

I don't want to be friends with her and haven't wanted to for kind of a while. She has other friends too but they end up just following us too, so its not like we are all she has. I have hinted that i want her to leave me alone but she doesnt catch on at all.

She is also in my class before lunch so she follows me from there. I don't want to be mean but how do I tell her I want her to leave me alone??


If it helps I'm in high school and I'm sorry if all this sounds immature, but today was my first day and I feel really overwhelmed.




  1. some ppl dont get a clue.

  2. Just tell her you need space. If she comes back the next day do the same thing. She'll get the point.

    If she doesn't than you kind of have no choice but to take her to the side and bluntly tell her that you don't want her following you around. Take her into the hall or the bathroom to tell her this because then she knows that you are not just putting on a show for your friends.

  3. just tell her to leave you alone. sometimes you have to be mean in order 4 ppl to catch the hint

  4. Be blunt, but not mean. Tell her to go away.....seriously.

  5. just try to ditch her, maybe she'll get the idea

  6. tell her how you feel...i'm sure then she'll leave you alone

  7. If you have hinted you need to make it more obvious. If it comes to it, just be really offish and rude and tell your friends to do the same.

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