
How do I tell him I'm pregnant...?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and i have been together 3 years, he's 28 and just got a job in his degree to be a financial adviser for a stock company...anyway he's not going to start making money for awhile, just moved to a different city and we want to buy a place there. however he's not going to be making money and i don't have a job there yet. So right now is not a good time for us to have a child, we had plans to wait 4 more years. Anyway, how do i tell him i am pregnant. I mean how do you tell someone that? Ugh, i need help! We have always talked about abortion, but i am not so sure i can do that. However, i don't want to bring a baby into this world if i can't even take care of myself. And adoption is out of the question for him, he couldn't live with himself knowing he had a kid out there. So what do i even do? How do i tell him? I am so confused.




  1. Keep the baby. Don't abort it. You're sure to regret it if you abort your child. And you won't be able to take the pain. The pain itself can kill. Keep the baby. Get a job and somehow survive.. These are trials of life... Part and parcel of being human. So take responsibility for your action and keep your child.  

  2. You Should be...

    You know after having s*x. a lady gets prego.

    so ... it you and him ... you both had s*x.... now you have a life inside you.... abortion is just killing... people do it.... but they dont understand what they are doing......God sends everything in ones fate .... dont worry .... God made your kid so ... he'll feed him/her also.... dont abort the child. .. .. .. you're the mother now...

    being a mother is the greatest thing in life...

    being a father too is the greatest thing in life.

    so enjoy your life and dont make it worst by killing the kid just because you cant take care of it.... you can if you want..

    human beings can think solution of each and every problem.

    take care. (of the kid)

  3. i dont like the idea of abortion........

    idk just go straight out and tell him

    maybe you should talk to your family or sumthin b4 him???

  4. get pregnant when you can provide comfortably for your child

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