
How do I tell him he needs to make more money/ his clothes are ugly?

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He works just enough to get by with bills, so if i want to go somewhere, i know ill be paying! Oh, and he wears sweat pants everywhere, in fact, I've never seen him in anything but!!! How do I nicely go about making some changes here? =)




  1. How about buy him something that you like that you think he might like too? Tell him to try it on and see if he likes it. He's probably broke and can't afford nice clothes. You can try to change his looks, but don't force him to change if he doesn't want to.

  2. You sound like a bit of a Queen Bee!  That is the wrong attitude to have toward people.  Especially the man that you like/and or love(I'm not sure which).  That man is very honorable and stand-up considering that he's busting his behind to pay his bills.  The problem does not stem from how much money he makes or the way he dresses.  It all starts inside your character and the insecurities you have about yourself.  You obviously feel that you need to keep up appearances in order to be accepted.  This is bull!  His appearance is not a reflection on you in any way.  Change the person in the mirror.  Your life will improve vastly.  If not, I can assure you that you will lose this good man for sure.  Learn to be less shallow and focus on the things that truly matter in your relationship!  

  3. Well, if you really want to help him, why don't you go around scouting for better jobs for him? Maybe he's too caught up at work to go job-hunting himself.

  4. if u love him u will help him finacially

  5. Love the man, not the clothes.

  6. I know you shouldn't judge someone by how they dress etc, but it's true, you're gonna get a better first impression dressed in a suit than wearing a tracksuit. I think maybe you should start a conversation about life goals, ask him where he sees himself in 10 yrs time. If he says he wants to get a better job, nice house, etc (i.e. more money), give him a gentle nudge in the right direction, ask him bout applying to new jobs etc. If he answers with "yeah, i just wanna be doin what i'm doin now", he's obviously not gonna want to change. Good luck.

  7. ok, i know where you're coming from, but you CAN'T change a person without them wanting to change, and plus he'll get really mad if you make a big deal out of it, just say something like "how come you like sweatpants so much" or something like that, otherwise, it's really rude and obnoxious to do something like that.

    PS. If you really want to bring something up, talk about the whole you always paying thing, that's just not cool to be doing it ALL the time, if he doesn't budge with that, leave him.

  8. others here think that it's all about Love. duh.

    if you have other preferences or values, like you would rather have a more ambitious man who loves himself and his girlfriend, then it's just but normal. (it's like wanting a woman with good personality, etc.)

    tell him what you think and that it bothers you that he just makes enough and you have needs. you want the man to pay. And the sweatpants, you like it changed.

    if he still did not want to change, then better compromise if you really love him. but i don't really suggest it. you two have different values, so better try meeting other men who understand and satisfy your needs.

  9. Take him shopping and don't let him get sweats. That is a nice way for you to tell him not to wear that stuff. And if he still does after the shopping trip put a guilt trip on him and ask why isn't he wearing the clothes you got him.

  10. well just bye him something as a gift oh and about the money your on your own sorry hun

  11. will you are in a tough position it can be difficult saying dat he dresses like a bum cause u may upset him...good luck

  12. Wow, such a drama queen!

    It's his clothes ok?

    Who cares what people think?

    Unfortunately, you do!

    Just buy him some clothes, if you really want him to change.

    Yes, it has to come out of your pocket!

    Money, not spent wisely these days ...

    My other suggestion?

    Leave him and his style of clothes alone.

    But anyways, Good Luck hun! =)

  13. You don't.

    How rude!

    If you want him to change, pay for it out of your own pocket!

  14. Buy him a couple of pair of pants--if you really love him, you will do that for him.

  15. Once you buy him new clothes and tell him it will look better on him than the sweats, he will get the message.

  16. Find someone else. You shouldn't be paying, he SHOULD.

  17. I don't think you should even care about the clothes he wear.

  18. Come out and say it so he can dump you and hopefully meet someone who is less materialistic!!!

    Don't mean to be rude but thats a bit of a bad thing to say. Fair enough if he is bumbing around the house while you work every hour that God sends to pay for him then fair enough. I can't imagine he has much say in how much he earns but if it is down to laziness just refuse to pay for him and if he cares he will change.

  19. Laugh. Out. Loud.

    Buy him some cute clothes & tell him how hot he looks and he should go for that look more often. Oh and be like: Sweetheart if ur gonna have a girlfriend u also need cash.

  20. Suggest where he should shop for clothes or try giving him something u would like him to wear as a gift and let him know how much u like it. He could get another job then he would not have enough time for you.

  21. Thats sooo messed up you should love the man regardless.

    How do you think you'd feel if he told you that?


    GROW UP!

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