
How do I tell him that I don't want to go out with him?

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Today one of my newer guy friends asked me out. I think he's a nice person but I really don't like him "like that". I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I can't go out with him. It would be awkward, because I told him I'd eat lunch with him tomorrow, and we sit next to each other in a class. I really don't know how to tell him no. Give me step by step instructions. And plus: I can't feed him the whole "i'm not ready for a boyfriend" line or anything like that, because I really do want a boyfriend, just not him.




  1. just tell him that you already have someone set up in your mind .And he doen't bear that chracter. or just ask him a bunch of question regarding what he is looking for in a relationship recently then say no to few things he is looking for in his girl friend.Try to realize him the reality of a situation if he is just crazy to get laid that diff. story.Then cut him down ,if you don't want that way..

  2. have you ever stopped to think that you may grow to like him and you can fall in love?? Just a suggestion. But alot of the times us as females always go for the ones who we are eye hungry for and the ones who are actually good for us we just want to be friends. I think you should really evaluate why you dont want to go out with him because you may just find yourself to be overlooking the whole issue. But if you are absolutely positive that you dont want to go out with him then you should let him know the you think he is a really nice guy but you are looking for something diff in a companion. You see you two as nothing more than friends and you would like to keep it that way. Be certain of you decision because if in the long run you grow to like him after this he may not give you a chance. Best of luck to you!

  3. this is exactly what happened to me - excep we weren't close friend but he though we were.

    Maybe try dropping a couple of hints or pointing out good looking girls who are available and saying

    "Hey, did you know [cute girls name] finished her boyfriend? you should totally go for it! I think you'd make a really good couple - like you two both have [insert something that they have in common]! Oh, and [another nice girl] is available but I don't think you should go out with her. She's kind of like me really. Like we both love [interest/hobby] but you absolutely hate that! Your much more suited to other girls, I think."

    If he doesn't get the hint my then then he must REALLY like you. If this happens and he asks you out again then say something like:

    "Listen, I really don't think we should go up because we're really good friends but that's all we should be. If we went out and the relationship din't work out then it could spoil our friendship. And I really value your friendship."

    This will make him feel important to you but he'll also know where the boundaires lie. What ever you do if he looks sad, don't rub his shoulder, squeeze his hand or anything like that or it could give him false hope and he might think that your unsure of what to do and are just saying no because you don't know what else to do. This could lead to him thinking that you do really like him.

    So just smile nicley and carry on eating lunch. He should respect your oppinion and look elsewhere.

    I hope I helped!

    Grace X

    PS. best answer please?

  4. just be like "look, i think you're a great guy and a wonderful friend, but i just don't feel it's the right time to start anything right now"

    that way if you do end up finding a guy you like (and he asks), you can say that the chemistry was too good to pass up

  5. go up to him and be like "look your a really cool friend and your fun to hang out with but i really dont want to take on that kind of realtionship with you" and then if he wont leave you alone about it then be like "look dude if your being nice to be just because you want me to go out with you then leave me alone. if  you actually want me to be my friend then just stop bothering me about that"

  6. tell him first you are really flattered/ then tell him you dont like him in a girlfrien boyfriend kind of way. if hes a good friend tell him that. sometimes you have to be cruel a little to be kind

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