
How do I tell how much megabytes I have used up?

by  |  earlier

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I have Windows Vista and a broadband connection. I am currently on a plan which allows me to use a certain amount of gigabytes of downloads each month. However I want to check how much I have used up.

Any Ideas how to do this?




  1. The only way I know how is to go the your internet provider's website and log into  your account. Any reputable provider should have this facility included as part of your service.

  2. well after i ahd a bit of an issue wiht my ISP over bandwidth usage so i had a look about for a progrma that i could use to keep my eye out on what im using.

    so i am now using "netlimiter 2 Monitor",

    Basically it checks how much kb's your sepreate programs are downlaoding and sending, and you can see your overall use over days weeks months n years.

    its free n relatevly easy to use cos theres not many options and it laods at start up so you dont have to remember to turn it on.

  3. Internet Service Provider with this sort of service plans normally have a link in their website for you to view your usage. Try to look under user support or something like that.

  4. just call up the broad band company u r with and ask dont forget to hav ur details with u just incase (adress ect...)

  5. I have a similar thing, and my ISP has a link to a Usage Page. I login with a password, and it shows me what I've used, and time elapsed, as number values and bargraphs.

    So look on your ISP home page.

  6. You can find a broadband analyzer here

  7. they shuld send u an email to tell u that u hav used 80% of ur limit then another one when u hav used it all. not sure if there is a way of knowing exactly how much you've used

  8. certifications tutorial-

  9. You should get a email saying download quota and the higher the percentage the more you have downloaded.

    Usually when you are over that quota you have 3 options

    1. Do nothing. Your service will remain shaped until your next billing cycle commences.

    2. Log into the Member Services, perform a Plan Change and choose to activate it on your next billing cycle. Your service will remain shaped until your next billing cycle commences.


    3. Log into the Member Services, perform a Plan Change and choose to activate it immediately. Your quota will be reset and your service will be unshaped within 15 minutes.


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