
How do I tell if I have tendonitis or tendonosis? What can I eat, or not eat, to help it?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't been able to work since March, and am running out of money and patience! I have severe pain in both arms. We thought it was Carpal Tunnel, but the nerve tests showed that wasn't the case. I have applied for Public Assistance, as I am now out of money for Doctors. Icing seems to make it worse, heat helps for the moment, but only with the heat on it. After, it is just as bad. Rest would be great, and I don't push pull or lift. (makes it hard to do anything) Any natural ideas? nsaids do nothing for the pain, so I doubt it is inflammation. My doctors don't like to give me pain meds, but they are the ONLY thing that helps.




  1. find a different doctor.  a lot of them work on personal beliefs.  some like natural healing and others belive in science and medicine.  you might have a tree hugger that is not ment to put anyone down i just dont know how else to say it.

  2. tendonOSIS implies degeneration or dysfunction and is an umbrella term which includes tendonITIS which is inflammation of the tendon / tendon sheath. Ok that's the terminology out of the way....

    The best way to test is to use provocative tests to isolate the tissues which are causing the problem.

    An Osteopath / physiotherapist / Chiropractor should be able do the necessary Orthopadic tests and neuro tests to see what is going on.

    Tendonosis can be effectively treated with manual therapy as cancarpal tunnel syndrome.

    If funds are really tight you can try one of the Chiro or Osteo teaching schools which will have supervised students able to assess you and treat you at a reduced fee.

    In the UK the Osteopthic teaching schools often charged nothing and would charge 10 - 20 pounds at most (fees in practice range from 30 - 65 pounds).

    In NZ the teaching school charges NZ$20- $40 (if they charge at all)and normal fees in practice range from NZ$30 with ACC help to as much as NZ$90 with no ACC funding.

  3. maybe instead of waisting your money on drs and pills you should go get a massage. In the acute stage, lymph drainage techniques may help to limit and resolve inflamation. in the subacute stage, massage may influence the production of useful scar tissue, reduce adhesions and edema, and reestablish range of motion...

    seriously, try massage. youll be thanking me for it.

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