
How do I tell if a Meucci pool cue is authentic?

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My grandfather sent me his Meucci Maximum stick. I thought they all had a dot on the shaft, though. This one doesn't. I only found 1 online that is similar

it is the Max-3, but my stick has the word Maximum written on the shaft. How do I tell if it is real or not?




  1. Go to a pro pool shop and get your answer but its sad you don't have any faith in your grandfather.

  2. Here are the contact numbers for the Meucci company. I'm sure they will help you with your question. To say you have no faith in your grandpa is totally ridiculous.How in the world would anybody know how you feel about your grandpa just from you asking a simple question? The man is nice enough to send you a Meucci pool cue and maybe he wasn't sure about it's authenticity himself. But at least you know he's thinking about you no matter what.That in itself says a lot and you should hold onto and cherish a gift from your grandpa no matter what it is. Good luck to you.

  3. You've got the link 'em up.

    Take your cue to a Meucci Dealer/Pro Shop.

    Not all Meuccis have a "pre-dot".

    My 30 yr. old Meucci has no pre-dot.

    I tend to agree with Kay, regarding your lack of faith in your Grandfather.

    Good luck -


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