
How do I tell if my new contact lenses are too strong?

by  |  earlier

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I just got new contacts for the first time, I've always had glasses before. I'm only on my third day with the trial pair but I think maybe the contacts are too strong? How do I tell if they are to strong or if I just need to get use to the new prescribtion? My depth preception seems off and sometimes when I look at the computer screen for awhile, or digital clocks, they get blurry. Some things look too clear, if that makes sense! I'm not getting headaches or dizzyness at all which makes me think that maybe my eyes just have to adjust. But I've been wearing them for 3 days already, how long should it take me to get use to them? I don't know if I should go back to the doctor and request a weaker prescribtion this weekend or wait longer to go back and try to get use to this one.




  1. If it is too bright and that u have headaches of wearing it. Normally it is recommended to reduce the degree by about 0.25 to 0.50 degree as compared to spect

  2. Vision thru contacts is perceptually different than vision with glasses.  It may take several days to a week to get comfortable with the vision in contacts.  Contacts do make things clearer because they are curved like your eyes are; not flat like glasses.

    Also, staring at the computer, TV or the clock will cause the contacts to dry out.  You need to consciously blink once in awhile to maintain the moisture in the contacts.  Maybe even use moisture drops.

    Signs your lenses are too strong:  head-ache, intermittent blurring, inability to wear them for 10 to 14 hours.

    Your eye doctor should have set up a one week follow-up visit for you to check on your adaptation.

  3. Ok. pls listen to mE!

    remeber, every time when u get a pair of new glasses with new power, it feels like its "too much"!...

    well i noe what u mean by too much. i would say, wear them for a couple of more days. and if ure eyes are not used to it, then ask ure doctor....

    but i hav some Q's 4 u.  Im getting new contact lens too. in a few days. and i was just wonering, how long do they last?... im not talking abt the daily disposeable once!..... so how long do they last?.... and do they hav them in colour and power at the same time???....


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