
How do I tell if my pee is clean?

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Im trying to stop smoke marijuana.... If my pee is 100% clear when I pee does that mean im clean?




  1. drugs take a 30-40 days to get out of you system

    so if you stopped taking it for that long then yeah.

  2. If you only smoked marijuana then the urine will be clean in about 30 days.If you are a small person meaning weighing less then 120 pounds if you drink alot of water and juices everyday for a week you will be clean in two weeks.Good Luck!

  3. no, clear pee means your not dehydrated....the really yellow means you should get some fluids in you

    to find out if you test positive for marijuana you would need all the stuff they use in the hospital for it

  4. it takes a certain amount of time for it to get out of your system. if you've waited like a month then you should be fine.

  5. no, it just means you've been drinking a lot of water.

  6. It means you've been drinking a lot of water. You your pee is yellow, that's acid coming out intead of the liquid you drank. (This doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you) You're fine. Good luck!

  7. not not really there is something called golden rod that you can use it rid your system of all the  drugs in your system so I have heard don't know where you get it maybe a drug store not for sure don't know because I have just heard that's what people use hope you do get off of drugs because they are no good for you good luck with both

  8. they do make little tests, they're like pregnancy tests in appearance. They aren't sold in stores, you have to order them.

    and everyone else is right, that clear urine is a good sign that you are hydrated...but it doesn't mean you are clean.

    If you want to mask the marijuana already in your urine, I have heard of people drinking vinegar.

    Or you could stop smoking marijuana and your system will be clean after about a month.

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