
How do I tell if this guy is into me?

by  |  earlier

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Today at lunch I was sitting alone like usual, but then a group of people invited me to sit with them. The boy sitting next to me was really cute and seemed really cool. I want to get to know him better but I don't want to embarrass myself. (If it's important, he kept looking at me on the bus ride home.)




  1. if he kept looking at you then he likes you. that sounds really cute tho! like a love story good luck!

  2.    You should try talking to him if it looks like he likes you.

        ........but make sure he does

       i had the same thing happen to me this guy would always be looking  at me and would tell my friends that he liked me.

       ...... then i found out he had a girlfriend but he ended up braking up with her and we went out :)

  3. Well, it's either that yeah he likes you, or he's a stalker. Or it could be be both lol. If you don't want to embarass yourself (and sorry if that sounds wierd but I'm just quoting from you) just talk to him normally at lunch or on the bus and see where that eventually leads you. On the other hand, if you end up being abducted, don't say you didn't have reason to be suspicous. haha. Good luck!

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