
How do I tell my Dr I think I have ADD?

by Guest62479  |  earlier

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I have an upcoming Dr appt, just to renew a prescription. It's really hard to get an appt and I'd figured while I'm already there I'd like to discuss that I'm pretty sure I have ADD (and have for some time, going all the way back to school age). I've have plenty of the symptoms, read about it on-line and taken a few questionnaires - all signals point to ADD.

But how do I bring it up when I'm there for something else? I'm almost shy to bring it up. How do I start the convo?




  1. Be honest and communicate.  Maybe, start by saying I have been having a hard time concentrating and when I thought about it more I realized I have always been that way. Possibly, print out an on-line questionare you took and after opening the conversation pull it out.  Let your doc know that you did some research on-line and think that it seems to fit. You know yourself better than anyone and maybe ask friends or family for their point of view on it to bring up with your doctor and have someone go with you to support what you are saying especially if it is difficult for you to talk about or bring up.  Good Luck!

  2. Simple...when he asks how you're doing, tell  him about your symptoms for ADD. Don't be shy about it. He's there to help you.

  3. I would keep a log of some sort and say "hey, this has been going on, what would it be".  I wouldn't tell him what you think.  He'll probably just agree with you and it may not be ADD and could be something else more serious.  If you trust your doc, be honest with him/her.  If you don't trust them, find another doc.  Be direct when you say you think something is wrong but let them do the work.  Make sure they ask you questions and answer honestly.  A good doc will be able to identify the diagnosis and treat accordingly.

  4. Try writing down all your symptoms on a piece of paper and giving them to him?

  5. Doctor is it possible that i can take a test for ADD because iv been researching it and a lot of the symptoms seem to apply to me....yes there is an actual test to see if you do because a lot of times we do misdiagnose ourselves....

  6. Just tell him/her you have some other issues you would like to discuss and go from there.  

  7. just ask for an add evaluation! they wont know you are thinking about being ADD unless you tell them its nothing to be ashamed of hun.

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