
How do I tell my best friend that I'm Christian?

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My parents have been making me go to church with them for a couple years now and before now, I hadn't really had much interest in religion or anything. My friend has no interest at all in religion and doesn't really even believe in God. I would never force religion on her and I don't want her to think that. So how do I tell her that I've given my life to God? 10pts to bestie. Thanks.




  1. Why do you even need to tell her? You clearly aren't going to agree on the matter, and if you have no intention of trying to convert her, what's the point?

  2. She is your best Friend. If she REALLY likes you, then this wont change a thing.

  3. if she doesn't have the same beliefs as u...that shouldn't matter...ur still friends...its really not that big a deal...then again if she's not asking you then she obiously doesn't care or if she's making remarks about those types of beliefs and you feel strongly about them then u shuld let her know then...but friendships shouldn't be based on religion♥

  4. why don't you try letting her know slowly, maybe tell her of a fun time you had at church, she may just let you tell the story and leave it at that if she does you can continue to let her know (slowly and subtly by bringing it up another time) that god is a part of your life, if she questions you about your church or your faith after the story you can just tell her that you've started attending church and have enjoyed it. try to stay away from "i'm saved" or something stupid like that, but either way, she will begin understanding what your trying to get across.


  5. If you two are really friends it shouldn't matter that you've become a Christian... if it bothers her just give her some time to deal with it... I'm sure she'll come around and have plenty of questions when she does.

  6. why do you worry what she thinks, its your life, tell her your christian and if she makes fun of you then she isnt exactly a great friend now is she?

  7. Start out with, Oh my goodness, did I tell you what happened at church? ...(experience goes here)... and it was just so moving and i could really feel God there with me you know?

    If you stand up for God, he'll stand up for you.

    If you guys are friends, she'll support you, no matter what you believe in. Let her know you're passionate about Him and don't try to stuff religion down her throat. Nobody likes that.

    Good Luck and God Bless!

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