
How do I tell my best friend that her boyfriend is just playing her but doesn't like her?

by  |  earlier

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look my best friend have this boyfriend right. he's taking over her, at school he would tell her who to sit with and what to wear, and what she shouldn't wear wtf. I've seen him flirting wit other girls and i told her and he said i was lying she believed him over me. every girls he talk to he would tell them that he doesn't have a gf, he told them they broke up, at school he sometimes ignores her, I'm so ******* sick of him, he would sit down and make her go get him lunch wtf.

what should tell her?




  1. you have to took ful confisence of uy frnd b;cos when some in love for some one who dont want to listen anythin angainst him you have to open his face how ??? u have to do ..... she is ur frnd & u should be know how to takle of her ......

  2. You already tried to tell her once and she believed him over you.  I know it's hard but at this point she has to see it on her own.  Just be there for her when she realizes the truth and will need someone to talk to.  

  3. tell her to send him an anonymous letter or e-mail and see if he responds. tell him something like  i know you got a girl but your hot and i want to talk to you" then leave a number or e-mail address and see if he reponds. i had my cousin do this for me from his e-mail and i busted one of my ex girls. we would send messages together seing how he would respond. we even made her show up to this place at the mall just to see if she would do it. she did. after that i gave her the boot.


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