
How do I tell my boss I'm going to quit "in person"

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I want to know what I have to say.

Please give me a script for example.




  1. 2 weeks notice is the best... just saying youre putting in your 2 weeks due to a personal matter, write it out in letter form to your boss and company. even if you dont have 2 weeks you can still write a letter saying the day you are going to quit or anytime before that. it makes it easier than saying it in person.

    Ex: To (boss name) & (company you work for),

    I am putting in my 2 weeks notice due to ____ (personal matter, found another job etc.) . My last day will be _______ or any time before that.... bla bla bla....



  2. It depends on how long you've worked for the company. In some places the law may require you to give a month's notice.

    Here's a model -

    Dear (the manager's name - e.g., Mr Smith)

    Please accept this as formal notice of my resignation with effect from ......

    I thank you for your support during my time with the company, which I have found enjoyable and fulfilling.

    Please let me know the arrangements for handing back equipment, company car, etc, and handing over outstanding work and responsibilities.

    Yours sincerely etc.

    What you need to say to the manager in person is another matter. You need to give the reason for leaving. There is no point in burning bridges. A good reference from a previous job is a valuable asset. So, don't be rude or say negative things or blame them. A good way to handle is to thank the manager and colleagues for the time you've been there and say that "I've been feeling the need for a change or My career focus is moving to a new direction or New challenges appeared on the horizon or This has been great and now I need to move on to a new challenge.

    If you can manage to tell the boss the reason for your leaving in a way that the boss can directly tell the same sentence to all customers and outsiders, you've got it.

    Good luck!

  3. "Sir I have to talk to you alone if you have a minute and it's very important." " I appreciate what you have done for me her and the opportunity,but I have to give you my two weeks notice." Many times they will let you quit that day,but by giving notice it's better for you if you want to use them as a reference and small businesses might try to not pay you everything if you just quit and walk out.

  4. You are supposed to give written notice.

    This means you hand them a hand written letter with that days date on it...Adressed to them on the letter and then simply say

    I am giving my2 weeks notice to end my employment at (where u work) .  My final day of work will be (date 2 weeks later).


    (Your Name)

    and  sign it.

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