
How do I tell my boss (who already has it out for me) I am pregnant...again?

by  |  earlier

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I found out I was pregnant after a month of working here. I only took 6 weeks of maternity leave the first time, but when I came back I had a different boss, more duties (same pay). I recently asked for a raise and in doing so pissed her off (I've been here 2 years now), so I am now on probation for 30 days. I am 2 months, and due in April. I don't know that I trust my HR rep either.




  1. That cant fire you for being pregnant ( at least in the USA) you also cant be put on probation for asking for a raise unless the probation is becuase of the raise. You don't have to tell them yet that you are. Wait till your probation is over and then tell them or not. The website below covers alot of the laws. If you can find another job i would it sounds like your job would find ways to fire you. If its a really good job... you might have to blow the whistle on what there doing. Good luck and congrats on becoming a mommy again.  

  2. you cant get fired for maternity leave if u do then u got a good lawsuit on ur hands...i would wait maybe til 4 months thats always a good safe time to tell nebody that ur expecting but good luck ne ways

  3. First of all you shouldn't be put on probation because you asked for a raise.  You need to speak with your boss's boss or the head of H/R about this.

    Also, there is a law called the Famliy and Medical Leave Act.  Look it up online, and if your boss pulls anything weird start filing complaints with the state.

  4. You need to find a better job, lady.

  5. call a employment may have a case with the raise issue and you can not be fired for getting being pregnant....

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