
How do I tell my children I am pregnant with my 3rd child?

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I am 28 years old and had my first child at 16 and my second at 21. My husband of 11 1/2 years and I just bought our first house and have decided to try one more time for a girl (our other two are boys... and yep same dad!). My six year old has been asking for a baby sister for 2 years now, but the 11 year old is very vocal in his dislike of the whole idea of another sibling. I am pretty sure I am pregnant (although AF isn't due until next week... I have pretty positive signs, ie. my b***s hurt, i am nauseated all of the time, i am exhausted all of the time, and i have mood swings and cramps.)

my question is how to break the news to my 11 yo with out hurting him... He is starting middle school this year and is kind of a weird stage anyways...





  1. My son was 10 when we had to tell him I was pregnant with his little brother.  This was not something either one of my children expected, my daughter was 13.  We just told them we had something important to discuss with them and just told them.  Something you might try that really worked for us was that we made both kids a part of everything.  With my son especially we told him how much we were going to need his help and then everytime he did anything to help me during the pregnancy, we praised him.  After little brother was born we let him help with feeding, bathing, diapering, everything.  Added benefit: I now have a 14 year old young man who is awesome with babies and toddlers.

  2. i was 11 when my mum told me she was preganant, i had been an only child up until that point. i was thrilled but when he actually arrived i was soo resentful of him. but now he is 13 and we are really close. just tell him but at the same time reassure him that things wont change and make sure he gets lots of love and attention both before and after the birth

  3. why don't you give the a baby shower party... this could do the trick!

  4. Starting middle school is a big step in itself.  If I were you I would hold off until he gets settled into his new school.  You won't start showing until you are around 3 months or so.

    You'll know when the time is right to tell them.  It sounds like it's kind of bitter-sweet.  It's going to be fun to tell your little guy, but at the same time your older boy isn't going to be so happy.  My sister went through the same thing with her boys!  Just to ease your mind, everything worked out well.

    Maybe after you tell them, you could bring them with you to your ultrasound, or let them help you pick out somethings for the baby.  Make them a part of much as they are willing to be.  Maybe even take them out for some one on one time with mom before the baby comes...something they like to do.

    Best of luck to you!  You sound like a very caring mom:)  God bless you, and your family!

  5. Hey, guess what there is a surprise for u, you r going to get a new friend, a brother or a sister!!!

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