
How do I tell my dad?

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Last night I lost my virginity. We took all of the precautions(he wore a condom and I've been on BC for 2 1/2 months), so I know I won't get pregnant. The thing is, I'm 15 and my dad is overprotective(mom died when I was little.).

I wasn't going to tell him at first, but I couldn't sleep last night afterwards because I feel so guilty I did this behind his back.

How do I tell my dad? I know if I don't I'll feel guilty until I do. My dad will get really freaked because he still sees me as his little girl, but I know I have to tell him.

How do I tell him?




  1. say to him 'can i tell you something but promise you wont get mad? i want to tell you it' then just go for it :)

  2. Say i have something very important to tell you and I really don't want you to get mad, but last night had s*x for the first time.

  3. Listen, just tell him. I am very open with my dad and i talk about these things with him all the time, more than my mom, actually. and i'm 14. he would be upset if he knew that i lost my virginity at your age, but he would forgive me, as long as i wasn't pregnant and didn't recieve any diseases, and would make sure i waited until college. if it'll make you feel bvetter, just tell him. he can't be mad at yuo forever.

  4. big mistake if u tell him. even if you get married and have kids he will stil try and think that u r a virgin. it just puts his heart at rest. sum things are best kept 2 ur self. i know he is ur dad but sumthing like this could really get him down.  

  5. Well, your Dad should have seen the signs the minute you told him you had a "boyfriend". I'm 30, and I dont understand why parents allow their kids to have boyfriends and girlfriends, then get all surprised when they have s*x...But Congrats to you for using condoms. Very very good and responsible of you. You must protect yourself from all these sexually tramsmitted diseases, plus HIV

    At any rate, know that your father will be hurt. 15 is sooo young, but many Americans lose their virginity at 15 and 16. Yes, your Dad will be hurt, but its time that he faces reality. Listen, my advise to you is to keep using condoms because that will save your life. My other advise is maybe you should do this--you should go to a park, and make sure NO ONE is around you, then call him from your cell phone when he gets off work. If might be easier to tell him over the phone. Make sure nobody is near you. Just say, "Dad, I want to talk to you, but you have to promise that you wont get mad. Its very important". Then after he says "ok,". Say, "I lost my virginity yesterday". Then have a long talk with him and be calm. Let him know you used condoms and birth control.

    My advise to you: Slow Down. you have the rest of your life to have s*x. You dont want to be 30 years old, and have a list of 25 guys you slept with. Dont be a "used up" woman. If you start having so much s*x now, doing it in every position under the sun, girl, you wont even enjoy s*x with your husband because it wont be "new" anymore. You'll be so used up, that you'll be like so many wives to dont want to have s*x anymore, because you did it 343,436 times when you were young. Girl, wait to you find a Prince who will treat you like a Queen. And even then, dont sleep with him too many times before you get married. So many people have boring s*x lives because they do it sooooo many times before trhey got married. People will give me 10 thumbs down but I'm speaking the truth! I just answered a question from a married man whose wife gets mad every night when he tries to have s*x with her. She's probably had s*x 305,962 times, in every position, with 50 guys, and now she's all Used Up, Tired, and Blown Out..

    Didnt you every have a toy that you played with when you were young. When you first got that toy, you were all happy. Then after you played it 859,865 times you had enough. Same with s*x.

    Honey, I'm talking to you as if you were one of my kids. I'm telling you the truth. Dont be a Used up female. Slow Down. you'll meet plenty of guys who you'll want to have s*x with----just know that its not worth it, and its just a matter of time till he gets tired of you. Dont be the typical American hoe, I mean woman who goes from man to man to man to man. Let this be the last until you find a man who gives you a ring. But if you continue this, keep using Condoms very time

    Good Luck

  6. zip your lip

  7. There is no need to tell him. You seem very responsible may only upset him. He probably doesn't even want to know!

    When the novelty of the experience wears out - you will sleep just fine. Trust me!

  8. You don''s do not want to know things like that.  Trust me!

  9. People are saying "Don't tell him! He doesn't need to know!", but he does.

    Sit him down and say "I know you're going to freak out and get really mad, but I have to tell you. Last night, I had s*x for the first time. We used protection. I wanted to tell you because I felt like you needed to know." Then let him yell and scream and try to be calm.

    I'm a dad and if my daughter was having s*x I'd want to know!

  10. If I were you I would suggest talking to your dad as soon as possible in a calm, confessing manner.  I would tell him this: "You and I have always been so close and I have never hidden anything from you.  I feel I have done something that you should be aware of.  Last night I lost my virginity.  I feel that I betrayed you as you have not raised me to act this way.  I am so sorry if I have hurt you.  Please help me as I do not want this to happen again.'

    Let him talk.  Let him be angry.  And by all means let him parent you.  He will more than likely restrict you from seeing this boy again (as he should).  In fact, if you were my daughter, I'd march right over to said boy's house and let his parents know that if he comes near you again you will have him arrested for harassment and rape.  

    You are a 15 year old girl searching for love from someone other than your father.  If I were you, I would suggest you see the movie 'Say Anything' with John Cusack and Ione Skye.  Ione Skye's character is an 18 year old who falls in love with John Cusack.  Her mother died when she was very young so she too has a very close relationship with her father.  Pretty soon her life is turned upside down as her love for John makes her wonder if she can 'Say Anything' to her dad.  

    Good luck, sweetie but just be honest with yourself and your father, always.  And watch that movie, it's fantastic!
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