
How do I tell my dad that I've been...

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I've had depression which has only worsened. And lately I've shoplifted. I feel like I need to tell my dad about it before I do anything else stupid. But I'm 'the good one' and I'm scared he'll be pissed. I know I'm getting a lecture no matter what, but I am just scared to tell him and worried on how he'll react! I started right before they put me on Abilify and it's only gotten worse and more frequent since. I'm also on Paxil. And advice would be great right now, thanks!




  1. jail=bad.

    Talk to  your psychiatrist and they can help you discuss things with your dad.

  2. First off, you will discuss, with your father, about the medication you are on... You will tell him you want off because pills worsen the symptom, trust me. You tell your father that you are depressed to the point that you started to shoplift. That is a concern, if your father reacts as to put you on more pills and even therapy, go to someone else for help. What I did when i was depressed and i am happy as ever was Yoga and meditation classes.

    Get into a yoga class, research for some meditation centres and yoga classes near your area , you will feel so much better. Think through about problems and remember that everything will be fine. You are probably reacting too much about some situations that you over anaylize things which leads to depression. Whatever is leading to the depression, imagine how much harder it will get if you do not do the right things for yourself.

    The first step right now is to help someone else, for instance - answer someones question on yahoo answers. You will feel better when you've helped someone.

    Hope this helped :)

  3. Hey... I used to be on Paxil when I was younger... if you aren't aware it has been linked to abnormal behavior in teenagers so usually its not prescribed to people under 18 anymore, although you may be older it might still be affecting you.  Your meds could be making you worse and you should talk to your doctor ASAP! because maybe you need a different medication or a different dosage of what you're on.  I understand how bad depression can get as I have suffered with it all my life (although Im only in my 20's now).  If you think your depression is getting worse you should tell your dad and your doctor.  If you think your dad is going to be super pissed that you shoplifted and it will make it worse then you can decide to leave that info out for now, unless you feel as though its becoming an addiction and needs to be addressed.  Definitely explain to your dad how you're feeling, in my experience my dad has never been understanding of depression because he doesnt know how to deal with my feelings but I find other people to talk to it about... you might find its better to talk to a psychartirst as it will give you an outside perspective.  One of the things I have started to do is run outside... it seems to calm me down and the endorphins from exercise makes things a little better.  

  4. first and for most - you may want to let the Dr. that has prescribed the meds for you know of these incidents as well. some meds have side effects that may be having an effect on this behavior.

    also if you’re seeing a therapist discuss this w/them as well and they will help you on how to deal with your dad

    - if you're not seeing a therapist try and find one, meds are only one step to dealing w/depression, therapy is yet another and in conjunction they are very effective.

    please take care and be well

  5. I remember when I had to tell my parents I was pregnant at 15 I thought they would kill me hate me and all that stuff but they didn't they still loved me and I was so impressed that they were there for me and I wished I would have trusted them sooner so trust him and tell him what you've done he is on your side remember that

  6. It could very well be side effects of your medication that is making you more impulsive... either way, you recognize that you need help and that is important. Most parents only want the best for their children and will help in any way they can if asked. Especially if they hear that you are scared and confused and need their help. Give him a little bit of credit before you decide how he will react, you might be pleasantly surprised. If you feel better about having some one help, have your therapist or psychiatrist help you tell him. Every best wish to you... that you want to face this shows responsibility and courage that is quite rare these days.  

  7. How can you be on anti-depressants and your dad doesn't know?  If you're getting them, then maybe he doesn't need to know.  Tell somebody else, some parents just don't understand that a child of theirs is depressed.  The 'depression' lecture really, REALLY sucks anyway.  Save his breath, don't tell him.

  8. I would bet that your Dad loves you very (VERY) much

    he would also love to be able to talk to you about this-

    he has a lot more life experience - and has weathered a lot of storms

    his advice is something you need, and now

    he can't help - if he doesn't know

    I was oblivious until my son came to me

    6'2" and he got a big hug - and we walked it together

    please tell him - -


  9. Depression medication won't help, it will only make things worse. It's designed to make you feel worse so that you'll get more and try more and keep paying the companies that make the medication. Just try a little bit of marijuana, it will do wonders for your mental state and your overall quality of life. Everyone thinks is so bad and deadly because of the propaganda c**p that the government put out in the 30s and stuff like that, but it's actually the most effective and safest medication you can use.

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