
How do I tell my ex-boyfriend that I might be pregnant?

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How do I tell my ex-boyfriend that I might be pregnant?




  1. This same thing happened to me. I just called him, asked if he was alone cause I had something important to tell him. Then I just told him. I told him that I was pregnant with his child and that I wanted him to be part of the child's life. He might freak out but, just tell him to call you when he thinks about it. He'll probably come around if he's a good guy. Hope this helps.

    **Make SURE you ARE pregnant before you call him.

  2. Tell him once you have confirmed pregnancy. Be honest and straightforward... make a plan!

  3. just be honest. and dont make him feel trapped. If you want to keep the baby make sure you voice that you are going to keep this baby with or without his emotional and physical assistance, but that you will need him to help out with the finances (it's his obligation so dont let him off of that responsibility). Let him know that you WANT him to be there for YOU and the BABY but that you will be fine if he chooses not to be. I hope it works out for you hun! Goodluck!

  4. You don't tell him that you 'might' be pregnant, you wait until you find out for sure so you don't have to deal with possible unnecessary drama.  After you know for sure if you are, all you can do is contact him and let him know what's up and talk about it from there.

  5. wait till you know for sure.

  6. hello they is only one way really and that is sit him down and tell him. Then you have both got to work out if he is going to be involved or if you are both happy keeping the baby, would you like him there for the scans/birth and to be a part of the baby's life. Good luckxxx and just be honest.

  7. Say nothing to him until you know for sure.  If you are truly pregnant then just be up front and honest with him.

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