
How do I tell my five year old daughter her father died in war?

by  |  earlier

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ok well I'm only 13 but a friend of mine has this problem and she wanted my advice so i told her i would think about it. any suggestions?




  1. Wow, that is really sad. Maybe she can tell her daughter that daddy was fighting for his country and that he got hurt really badly and that he won't be coming back but that he is in heaven watching over her and that he loves her very much.

  2. ok first of all let them try to watch a movie about hearos " any tye of heros saving the day " then let's start drawing .. now let's think of all type of heros .. nurses doctors and soldiers .. then a painting of soldiers then let's tell her that daddy is a hero he is a soldier that fights to save the day  .

    next day let's make another drawing with some red on one of the soldiers .. if she asks what's this let's tell her that this sholder has been shot and let's draw a graphic of angels taking the soldier to God and then the soldier in a very nice place ..

    the day after if the kid did not ask about the dad .. let's draw that soldier thinking of his babies " daugther in this case " and let's talk about how that soldier is watching his girl and loving her and saving her from up there ... " after that we may tell the child that daddy joined that soldier .. and that he is now saving and watching over us and he is soooo happy in the heaven .  

  3. It will be tough, but you should tell her that while Daddy was away he got hurt and he won't be coming back soon, and it'll be hard for you honey but I'm here for you and I promise you will see daddy again in heaven.

  4. Some people like to explain it to kids as though the person had to go to sleep and won't wake up so they won't be at home anymore.  Some people like to explain deep into it about how the person had to go live with God, not sure how religious they are.  If it were me, I'd tell my child that daddy went to try to make the bad people behave because they weren't following the rules and he got hurt very bad and had to go live up in the sky so we won't see him anymore.  Hope that helps.

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