
How do I tell my friend she is smelly?

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My best friend just plain stinks all the time. And its not like BO stink. Everyone notices except her! People dont even want to sit by her or hug her. I love her to death but our other best friend and I have decided to talk to her about it but dont know how.




  1. Bring her to one side, and explain that  you are going to tell  her something because she is your best friend and not to "shoot the messenger"as you value her continuing friendship. Then inform her of the embarrassing truth in diplomatic terms but making sure she gets the message. She may be a little grumpy initially but she will soon realise that only a loyal and true companion would have risked loosing a cherished friendship to tell an awkward truth.

  2. Ask her what kind of soap and/or deodorant she uses, and then kindly tell her that it is not working. Tell her that you are her friend, and that others speak of the way she smells, and it hurts your feelings for her, and so you had to talk to her about it.

  3. Say "hey, your smelly, now fix it".

  4. Good for you, that's a true friend!

    I wouldn't suggest both of you telll her at the same time, she'll be embarrassed enough as it is.

    I would say something like, "Shelly, I'm sure you aren't aware of this, but whatever you are using on your skin for showers does not agree with your body chemistry.  In fact, it manifests itself as an odor.  You might want to try a new soap or body wash.

    If she still has an odor problem, 2 weeks later, let your friend try another tactic, possibly more blunt.

  5. Tis a gift to smell yourself as others smell you.  Does she smoke?  She probably hasn't smelled herself in years.  Send her some deodorant and some soap anonymously and sign it from someone who is too close for comfort.

  6. You walk up to her and go " Girl your so damm smelly if u dont go have a bath right now im gunna walk all up and down ur ***"

    or u cud try being a nice friend....

    Dunno up 2 u


  7. one day say what smells and pretend like your gonna throw up shell know it's her that smells

  8. Just tell her, it will do her good.

  9. Just start saying what is that smell? I don't know what it is. Get her to say oh I think that is me then you can say oh I didn't know but you really should do something about that.

  10. Touchy subject.  Personally, I would WANT any friend of mine to tell me I smell...but some people don't receive information like that so well.  Have you been able to pin point what the odor is exactly?  Have you been to her house and do you notice it there?  Maybe you can arrange a "pamper session" where you do facials, pedicures, etc., make it seem like a girly thing but include things that will make everything about her clean.  Then comment on how nice she looks.  If you have a male friend, maybe you can arrange for him to come over and comment on how great you both smell.  If she feels pretty, she may keep the regimne up.

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