
How do I tell my friend to stop?

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My really close friend is having family problems. These problems are causing her to cut herself. I know what she is going through because I once was doing it to myself over the same reason. I have promised to stop, because she told me how much she wanted me to stop. But now im asking her to, but she doesnt seem to care how I feel about what she is doing.

Im scared she will go to far and i dont no wat to say to her.

Please help me!




  1. she seems deprest... ask her to hang out with you more or do more stuff with her to get her mind off those famly prob  

  2. most people that cut  themselves cannot understand why things are happening in their life..  people that cut themselves just want to be  heard .. listened too .. get her to talk to you about her problems with family and if she tells you the same thing several times its ok.. just listen ...

    ask her some open ended questions and dont ask her why questions..

    also get her to seek some professional help..

    let her know she is important, special.. valued, let her know you are there for her..

    help her to talk it out what she is feeling and her thoughts and that cutting wont change the situation but to talk about it will help her control her from cutting

    get her to say this every day..

    God grant me the serenity to accept the thiings i cannot change

    courage to change the things i can

    and the wisdom to know the difference.. ... by anonymous

  3. don'r tell her , but REMIND her , of what she used to tell you , of things that you liked , mention the good times the people that she loves, the good moments and don't say any negative things ... she might get to her senses

    Good luck with that , you are a real loyal friend =)

  4. You might want to tell an adult if she doesn't stop soon. I don't want to sound uncool but it might be the only way to stop her.

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