
How do I tell my friends that I hate them all???

by  |  earlier

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  1. Just say it.  Are we friends if so then I would have to think of some thing

  2. Babe, I think you just did!

    (((waving so long))))

  3. Hi you beautiful Snizzie

    Dump them all, let's run away together

    there's room on the back of my bicycle

  4. Wait....oh, I was wrong.  I thought I had a serious tear there for a second.  Then I remembered I sneezed a couple of minutes ago.  

  5. Aww, poor Snizzy Wizzy Woo Woo's run away to Germany...!

    <sticks tongue out at Snizz and runs away> :P


  6. I hope you don't hate me, we just met!  But we may not be friends yet!  LOL

  7. this question is a good start!  lol

  8. You did it already


  9. what did i do????? waaaa waaaa waaaaah ... Im so lonely waaaah

    well its just a cartoon...a dreamy one at that

  10. Oh wow. Your poor friends. Maybe they will buy you presents to make you feel better!

  11. who the h**l has went and upset you now?

    let me at em,hahahahahahah.

    come back home honey, i'm missing you

    already,,, cries,, sobs,,,cries again,

    gets hanky and blows nose :)

    it was only a pillow fight, i thought you

    were laughing thats why i hit you again,

    (((( sticks petted lip out )))))

  12. WHAT??!

    well fook you!!

  13. 4 the fact, I hate u 4 hating me....."returns the present 2 the store"

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