
How do I tell my husband and kids that I'm pregnant with someone elses baby?

by  |  earlier

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We've been seperated for 5 months now. I've found a wonderful man that is more than good to me and we just found out that we're pregnant. Well, now my husband wants to work things out and I don't. And I know I'll eventually have to tell them anyways....... just how and when?????




  1. tell him before some1 else does,

    and tell him u dont want to work things out.

  2. better tell him the sooner the better .Just straight up tell him that you have to be honest and that you dont want to work things out and that you are quite happy where you are now and hope that he understands.

  3. wow... that is a toughy, but i'm a firm believer in just saying it as quickly and without embellishments... just tell your husband straight up and start working on the divorce

  4. Now would be a good time to tell them... Meet somewhere in public, like a park or something and tell him that you no longer want to work things out, you have met someone else, and you are expecting his child...

  5. I'd just tell him and the kids before someone else does!!

  6. Might as well tell them now, I am sure they will  figure it out in a couple of months.

  7. If you have no intent on working it out with him, I'd tell your husband now. As far as telling the kids, I'd wait until you were about 12 weeks along, and out of the "danger zone" so to speak.

  8. Just tell him the truth... I'd tell him before you tell your children...

  9. Well tell them that you meet someone and say i did something that im not proud of even if you are and say i am sorry but im pregnant and i cant change it

  10. why would you do this to your husband? arent you happy uou have a famiily

  11. the sooner the better.  i personally would panic.  he may just be understanding about the issue and except it.  thats a tough situation to be in.  good luck.

  12. I think I would tell my husband as soon as possible.  That way he has no illusions of getting back together.  Be open and honest about what happened and about the fact that you would no longer like to be married to him.  He should accept that fact if he, in fact, cares about you.  The kids are a touchier subject.  I would take into account how old they are and if you really need to say anything about whose it is.  Will they understand?  If they are teenagers, I would just lay it out like you do for your husband.  If they are younger, I would just tell them about the baby and leave out the details of how it got there.

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