
How do I tell my husband that I changed my mind and would like to have a baby?

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I am a 30 year old female. About 5 years ago I was pregnant by someone who I was extremely casually involved with. When I told him that I was pregnant it was not a pretty sight. He called me every name under the sun and told me that he would want nothing to do with the baby. So, I made the most difficult decision and that was to have an abortion. After that I swore of s*x and ever wanting to have kids.

Fast forward to present and I am married to the best person in the entire world. He came into my life when I least expected it and I am so much happier then I ever thought I would be.

When we first started dating I made it clear that I would never want kids. He told me that it was my decision and that he would support me. We had a conversation recently and he was telling me that his friend was asking about us havin kids and he said that we probably wouldn't have any.

Please help me find a way to tell him that I changed my mind.




  1. Hey there!

    When my now-hubby and I started dating - actually, it was on our FIRST date, I told him point blank - 'I never, ever want kids'. Now, he was a major kid lover and always wanted kids, but he said that if things works out between us, he'd agree not to have kids. Well, three years later, we were married! Then, three years into our marriage, after he went away on a job for 6 months, my 'clock' must have started ticking, haha. I wanted a baby! I just called him up one day and said guess what? He said what, I said I want a baby! He cried! lol He was so thrilled. Sadly, we've been trying for almost three years to conceive. Hoping it will happen soon though!

    Maybe you could take a basket, stuff it with pink and blue tissue paper, tie pink and blue balloons to it, and fill it with some s**y underwear/bras, ovulation tests and pregnancy tests - i'm sure he'll get the hint that you want to start trying!

  2. You should just come out and tell him, i bet him bring up that his friend was asking was his way of getting you to think about it and hes probably ready too. Good luck with what ever you decide.

  3. Has your husband ever actually said that he doesn't want to have kids also? Or is he just going along with whatever you told him your decision is?

    If you truly are happy with this man and really think he's the best person in the world, then I believe he would be fine with you coming to him and telling him that you changed your mind.  

    I'm also assuming you changed your mind partially because you can see your husband being a wonderful father.  Well most guys who come across as the type who make good fathers, usually do want to be fathers also.

    I think you have nothing to be worried about.

    Just come out and tell him.

    He might just feel the same way!!

    Good luck!

  4. If your husband is okay with your decision then it shouldn't be difficult to consult with him about your change of heart.  If he didn't want any kids either then that's a whole other story.  Just sit down with him and say...Honey, I want to talk to you about our future and bring up the fact that you've changed your mind and blah, blah, blah.

  5. if i were you i would tell him that you are ready beacuseyou love him and you two can make a baby together  . thats the most important thing...i would tell him that you are ready to have a baby with him. that would be so cute...its just better to tell him and im sure he will understand you just like he did before. good luck and i hope i help.good luck and congrats

  6. Just come right out and tell him that the conversation that you had the other day...made you think, and you have changed your mind about children, and would like to try and have a baby with him.

  7. He probably wants kids, too. He's just respecting your wishes. Just ask him what he thinks about it!

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