
How do I tell my loved ones that I may be pregnant?

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The father of my baby and my family.

I'm 20 going on 21 in a couple of months and I'm really scared




  1. Try this: "There is good news, and bad news."

    When they say "Whats the good news?" hit 'em with the preggers.

  2. You can tell your bf that you may be, but why tell the rest of your family? That would cause unnecessary drama.

  3. well first find out forsure if you are...then tell your BF or babys dad, then talk with your parents.

  4. !!! Don't tell anyone you MAY be pregnant no one wants to hear that.

    Find out if you are pregnant for sure first. Then you will get the real reaction. How you tell them depends on your relationship with them people.

  5. If you can't wait to find out for sure, then just tell the father, and get his support while you find out for sure-- Don't tell anyone else until you know for sure, and hopefully they'll be happy for you!

    My sister told me that she was pregnant by telling me she had some big news, that I was going to be an aunty. I freaked out at the time, but I'm excited just like everyone else in the family :]

    If it turns out that you are pregnant, when you tell your family, make sure you sound happy, or they might respond badly, thinking that you aren't excited. Telling immediate family once you're positive is a good thing, but it's typical to wait 3 months before you tell your extended family, and not-so-close friends, just to make sure the baby is healthy.

  6. Go, do i look fat?

    and they go no? why?

    Oh, cause i'm pregnant :P

  7. Try   "Im Pregnant"

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