
How do I tell my mom I think I might have diabetes?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15, and this is a follow-up question to one I asked yesterday. I think I'll feel like an idiot if I ask her, so any help I can get...?




  1. diabetes is very serious and if you think you have it say mom i need a doctors appointment because i am having symptoms of diabetes its that simple trust me don't wait!!!! i had diabetes for 2 years before iwas diagnosed because i did not know the symptoms and it almost killed me so don't wait

  2. don't feel like an idiot.

    this is serious if you think/know you have

    it you need to tell someone (doesn't have to be your mom)but if you don't tell anyone your blood sugar could rise of lower and you could have

    a stroke, or worse a heart attack.

    trust me take my advice.

    tell someone.

  3. I read your question from yesterday regarding type 1 and you were given a number of good answers BUT your still not describing what if any symptoms you may have or how long they have been occurring.

    If your symptoms (if any) for type 1 diabetes have been lasting a few weeks or more you would be in the hospital by now. Type 2 would be a different story because they can disappear or go unnoticed.

    So tell your mom what if any symptoms you may have and inform her that your afraid you may have diabetes but before doing so do a little research on diabetes first and learn about the disease and it's symptoms so you don't feel like an idiot when confronting her.

    While on the subject I'd like to comment on Gary's answer, apparently he believes that the A1c test is the gold standard for diagnosing diabetes when we all know that it isn't. The A1c test will measure the % of glucose in your red blood cells (Hemoglobin to be specific) over a 2-3 month period because red blood cells die off over that period of time and are then replaced.

    There are lots of people that have higher than normal A1c's and are not diabetic.

    The two tests used to diagnose diabetics either type 1 or type 2 are the Fasting blood sugar and the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)

  4. First, why do you think you have diabetes?  Diabetes can NOT be diagnosed by symptoms alone.  There are a great many diseases that have many of the same symptoms as diabetes.

    The ONLY way to diagnose diabetes is through blood tests at the doctor office.

    The simplest way is called an A1C Test.  This test measures your average blood sugar level of a 90 day period.  If the doctor has the right equipment, the test takes 5-10 minutes and ONE DROP of blood.

    If the AC test comes back NORMAL, then you probably don't have diabetes.  Watch your diet -- stay away from colas and sports drinks and energy drinks, and candies and cakes and ice cream and cookies.  Eat more salads and broccoli. Drink more clear water (not tea or coffee).

    At your age there are two things I'd be worried about:

    1) Are you overweight?

    2) Does any one on your family have diabetes -- parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles?

    Diabetes has a very strong heredity component.  You inherit the disease from parents or grandparents.  Of course, being overweight makes it worse.

    Otherwise, most childhood diabetics get very sick long before they are 15.  Now, it is not impossible to think that you might be a "late bloomer", but most childhood diabetics are sick before this.

    Even if all the signs point to you NOT having diabetes, it is not impossible that you MIGHT have it.  Taking the A1C test is quick and simple, and it will either prove to your parents that you DO have it, or it will prove to you that you DO NOT.

    So just ask Mom to take you to the doctor for an A1C test.

  5. just tell your mother! because she need to know,diabetes is a condition that can be treated, only you know how you feel. If it is not treated you can have a very bad problem.

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