
How do I tell my mom that I've had s*x?

by  |  earlier

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I want her to know and I don't wanna keep it from her.....once she told me to wait till she got me on the pill, or to at least use a condom(but deffinaly try to wait)...and if i ever did have s*x to just tell her...i've tried many times, but it just doesnt come out!

plz help




  1. take her out some where public, where she cant make a seen. give her coffee, on you. sit down and tell her the truth.

    tell her you have been thinking of telling her for a while now, but you were just too scared to tell it to her face cuz you dont think she'll talk to you the same way again. and you want that relationshipp you've always had

  2. You said it yourself, she wants to know! Not sure how old you are but you can just come right out and say it because she is probly expecting it anyways :)

  3. Just tell her calmly as possible and don't look worried.Don't go into great detail and ask for the pill.oh, and tell her when she is sitting.My mother told me the same thing and when I got up the courage to tell her I was having s*x she fainted.

  4. Just sit your mother down and tell her the truth.

  5. write her a note  that you want to talk to her

  6. Make the two of you a nice lunch, dinner or simple snack and sit down and talk.  Start by saying "mom, I think that I should get the pill" then explain why.  I was 18 when I had s*x for the 1st time, and was not on the pill, but we used protection.  Afterwards, I talked to my mom and started just like I suggested.  She was really understanding and appreciated me telling her.  

    However, she said that since I was old enough to have s*x, I was also old enough to make my own appointment with the dr to get the pill.  

    So I did.  (I was in my senior year of high school at the time, which is why I was still under my moms rules and felt the need to talk to her even though I was 18).

    Good luck.

  7. start out mom i know you wouldnt be happy and you wanted me to wait but i thought that if i am mature enough to do it then i need to be mature enough to tell you...  

  8. sounds like you and your mom are close because you said you want to tell her.  She is going to be sad about it no matter what you say, because we never want to think about our children that way.  But she probably won't feel so bad about it if you tell her how much she means to you, and that you have mixed feelings about what you did and you need her opinion about it.  All of us parents want to feel like we are needed, and love it when our children are honest with us.  You are lucky that she wanted to protect you with birth control, and you owe it to her, and to yourself to make sure that happens.  I admire you for caring about what your mother thinks - let her know it

  9. Well you might send her to this URL:


    it may or may not help

    P.S. Why WOULD you tell her?????!!!!  The answer is DONT tell her duhh

  10. well, this is always gonna be an awkward conversation and you will probably never feel comfortable telling her. but u need to tel her. make sure to add that u r being SAFE. She will be glad that you came to her and told her......because if she is to somehow find out from someone else she is going to think u were trying to keep it from her. just be honest.

  11. Don't tell her.Just stop having s*x before you end up pregnant.

    s*x makes babies and ALL birth control has a failure rate hon.He (your b/f) may not want to be a daddy and will dump you when you get pregnant.

    Then what?

  12. tell her it was peere pressure

  13. Sit her down privately and say:

    "Mom, i know you will probably be disappointed in me. But me and my boyfriend had s*x. and i thought it was something you should know."

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