
How do I tell my mom that I am a nudist?

by  |  earlier

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I have been sleeping naked for a few months now and am naked everytime im home alone, but now my mom is home a lot more than before because of a leg injury, and I dont get to be as comfortable as much now and I have decided I am just going to let her know I am nudist and that I would like her to be comfortable with my nudity at home, but I don't know how and what her reaction would be, but I don't think she would mind. any ideas on how i should ask or present it and also if she says yes, should i ask her if she wants me to shave my pubes or if she doesnt care. ohh am I am 16. I asked this in etiquette for some reason but I didnt get enough answers so I am postin it in mens health.




  1. You dirty git!

  2. Before I answer, I would like to ask you if you would be comfortable with your mother seeing you naked all the time? I mean, if you are a girl it is more understandable, I suppose. But I am a man and I would not feel comfortable being naked in front of my mother.

    Anyway, now to my answer, you can try telling her you have a terminal disease and have only weeks to live, and once she sights and starts crying you simply tell her you are not dying, but you are a nudist and want to be naked at home.  

  3. Just yell out before coming down sayig Hey Mom remember when you use

  4. theres nothing wrong with being a nudist just tell her. but i dont think even nudist dont wear cloths when they are around there mums...

  5. Just because you want to be naked , you still have to respect her and if she is uncomfortable with you being naked around her, you just have to wear clothes when she's home.

    I'm not a nudist but I wanted to go to a nude beach this summer (I never made it). I wouldnt have told my mom because I'm not sure how she would react.

  6. I don't think you are a "nudist". You don't go to nude beaches or naturist colonies, do you?

    Most people sleep naked, and being naked in the privacy of your own home is fine. I wouldn't mention it to your mom at all.

  7. Not sure really as you know your mum better than we do! so you probably have a better idea of the answer. It's kinda liberating though isn' it being naked.!!!

  8. Don't tell her.  Come down to breakfast naked tomorrow morning.  She'll figure it out.

    Edit:  Oh, and real men do *NOT shave their pubes (nudest or otherwise).

  9. If you are living at home then you have to abide by whatever rules you mother sets up. If she's OK with you being naked, then that's fine. But generally someone clothed is not going to be comfortable with someone else being naked. Either both are, or neither.

    When you move out, you'll be able to be a nudist at home.

  10. since its your parents home, I would not advise that, in your room or when no one is home it one thing, but you need to respect your parents, and there space, they don;t need to see you nude..

  11. Well, first off, it is her house, so you need to respect her. I would just contain it into your own bedroom, because it could be very uncomfortable.  

  12. Don't tell her

  13. wait till you get your own house, yea you are her son but think about sure she dosent want your nakedness all over her couch, sofa, chair whatever. when you get your own house do what you want have respect for your moms house

  14. It is her house.  Remember that.  Tell her you feel more comfortable wearing nothing.  Ask her if she minds.

    What you wear, or don't wear in bed is your business, & no one Else's.

    Shave your pubes if you want to, & tell her that you feel it is cleaner, & healthier.  

  15. I wouldn't just be naked, ask first. And that's kind of an uncomfortable question about the pubes. Just ask if there is anything about your body that makes her uncomfortable.

  16. You can tell your mom that you like the feeling of being nude, but if that's never been the norm in your family, she probably won't feel comfortable with you being nude around her.  Ask her about it, and if she wants you to be dressed around her, follow her wishes with no argument.  How you dress in your own room is your own private affair.  Don't ask her about shaving your pubes.  That's a decision for yourself, and maybe your sexual partner would be allowed some input if you had one.

  17. i wouldnt advise telling her.

    1st off it would be pretty awkward for her. seeing her son naked.

    i would just wait til her leg heals and go back to ur old routine.  

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