
How do I tell my older brother his haircut sucks?

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It used to be really long and kind of curly. Everyone liked it and a lot of my friends thought he was hot. Then he cut it. He looks like a clown. How do I tell him this without making him feel bad?




  1. You don't.  If he doesn't ask for your opinion, then it's none of your business.

    You can, however, offer positive suggestions.  "Gee, bro, I hope you grow out your hair again, it looked so good long.  All my friends thought the long hair was really hot."

    If he asks you how his hair looks now, don't say anything harsh like "you look like a clown."  Just say, "Hmm, it's not your best look.  I've seen other styles that compliment you much better."

  2. Just tell him , He is your older brother and he should want you to tell him what you think. If he thought your hair looked stupid would you want him to tell you ?

  3. There's no need to tell him because it won’t accomplish anything other than to make him feel bad--he can’t magically make his hair grow back.  But once his hair does grow back, tell him "I like it better long".

  4. say josh your hair look like she messed up doing it I'm not joking I'm serious in my sis broke it to me like that in it worked  

  5. i think u jst say "i dont think girls will like it even though its quite cool but many girls wont think that...u r a boy and wont undestand girls mentality but i do many may get impressed but some may not...its nice still try different hairstyles"and try to advise him on what may look cooler and awsome on him

  6. Don't put it in a negative light. First ask him why he cut his hair. Just say something like this haircut is okay, but the way his hair was before really suited him. And that he should think about growing it out again soon.

    He might have a reason for having cut it in the first place. Maybe a girl he likes said he'd look good with shorter hair. You never know until you ask.

    If it seems like you hurt his feelings by saying these things, then make sure you accentuate the fact that you do like his hair now, you just aren't used to it yet since you liked the other style so well.  

  7. Just tell him straight out. He has the right to know that he looks like a clown and he'll prefer to hear it from you rather than girls. :P  

  8. tell him girls won't think hes hot no more. that gets most guys.  

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