
How do I tell my parents I'm pregnant?!?

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I just switched from the depo shot to Aviane. I started taking Aviane July 27th and I am down to my placebo pills (the pills where you start your period). Well I have taken my 5th placebo pill today at 3:45, I missed a few pills but not it a row. I start a new pack sunday, my fiance and I have s*x and our only protection is birth control pill. I have been feeling nauseated, also my stomach feels tight like it does when you get done getting a good work out like i need to stretch. I haven't worked out in two or three weeks, I am buying a test tomorrow but before I spend money I want to know if this is all in my head or Could I actually be pregnant? Or could something be wrong with my body? Technically I think that is considered a missed period.

****Aviane is a birth control pill for those that don't know. Thank you very much for your answers.




  1. Anytime you change your birth control method you should use a back up for 3 mos after. The nauseated feeling could be worries, nerves, it could be pregnancy. You could be late because you changed your birth control this month and your body is just adjusting. The only way to know for sure is to buy the test. You should not take birth control when you are pregnant so you need to find out before you start your new pack. Good Luck.

  2. I'm confused...

    Do you want us to give advice on how to tell your parents you're pregnant or if you're pregnant?

  3. You're so messed up, chemically, that it would be hard to tell.  

    It doesn't sound like birth control pills are the ideal method of birth control for you, if you keep skipping pills.  You probably need to use a backup, such as a condom, or think about a kind of birth control that lasts for three months, etc.

    Take the test -- it's the only way to know.  

  4. Did you have periods while you were on the depo shot? If not, it could still be the effects of the depo. Also the depo shot does make it hard to conceive for 6 months up to a year after you stop using it (although that is not 100% of the case) When you start new pills, your body can react differently. I wouldn't worry. If you don't get one during your next pack though, I would call your GYN. If you are concerned prior to that though, there nothing wrong with requesting a test from your doctor.  

  5. First, find out if your pregnant or not.

    So if you ARE pregnant, I'm taking this is good news? Take your parents out to dinner with your fiance and then tell them.

  6. It's possible, but really you just have to wait until you have the test to know for sure

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