
How do I tell my parents and boyfriend who lives in another country that im expecting?

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Pregnant by guy that lives in another country... How to inform guy that there is a pregnancy? telling family?

I have a scenario for you: a girl who dates a guy from another country for a while gets pregnant but the guy but he lives in another country how should the girl explain to the guy either or phone or internet that she is expecting? should it be creative and should she just tell him? How would you do it? How to tell her family... family doesnt know the guy... yes the girl is of age...not a teenager

Do you know of someone who is in a relationship or pregnant by a person from another country? do long distance relationships who have babies actually work?




  1. Sticky situation. Just be honest with your parents. And next time you play hide-the-salami, put a wrapping on.

  2. i don't know anyone like this or knew anyone in this predicament. but sooner or later you're going to tell you're guy and family. i would talk to him on the phone. that would be much more personal than on the internet. next time-use protection.

  3. Do it very-very carefully!

  4. Tell your boyfriend as quick as posible - phone/email

    Then tell your parents.

    Then start saving money for your baby. Make sure your medical aid will pay for the birth etc etc

  5. Just say it to him. If he can, maybe he'll come back and help you tell your family.

    ...well...I assume he is the father.

  6. You just sit them down and tell them, phone the boyfriend and tell him, you must just think positive, anyway most parents in this world would love to have a grandchild and most of the men out there would love to be a father, so if I am you I will tell them the sooner the better. I personally think the relationship can work, it is just going to be very hard on you to be so far away from your boyfriend and for him to be so far away from his child, missing all the precious moments, like the first smile etc. I do not know anybody in the same predicament as you, but I will be very positive if I was you. I think it will work.

  7. The girl should just tell him first and find the best way to  tell the family. H e most probably with come back the the mother of his child/ girlfriend... but the girl need to tell him straight..

  8. Don't play games, just phone and tell him straight out. What do YOU want him to do? Tell him what you expect from him - support, marriage or just to let him know. Do you want to keep the baby? If so, tell him. If you don't, tell him you are considering abortion or adoption. I think in SA, if I am correct, the paternal father has no say in terms of whether or not you abort. If you are under 9 weeks, abortion is a pretty simple thing. And no, it will not scar you for life if you do not want to keep the baby. (and yes, i do know what I am talking about)And please, next time, use protection!

  9. Oops!  But that's not the end of the world!  Just tell the guy, he was part of the fertilisation process!  If he's man enough, he'll admit to the accidental parenthood, he will offer his support and be there for you and the baby.  If he's a prick, he'll deny it and probably suggest abortion.  Whatever you do, do not abort! You'll have an emotional scar for life!  Phone him and break the news.  Tell your family and let him tell his family.  If all goes well then make sure you don't get yourself in the same situation ever again.  Use protection.

  10. Now listen up.One start being honest with your parents.Tell them the whole story .

    What do you know about the guy.

    Try him. Call him up and tell him that you are pregnant with his child.

    First things first.Long distance or short distance relationships is not a problem .The problem facing you is your pregnancy and how will you manage with that.If he does because of his duty or responsibility and not because he cares for you and the baby than I believe there will be strain on both sides.

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