
How do I tell my parents i dont want to do it????

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I got pregnant and im 17 years old when I told my parents they where like WTF and my mom said these exact words "young lady you are getting an abortion" but the thing is I really really want to keep the baby and the father is fine with it and is going to support the baby fully but i really really really dont want to give this baby up and I am really upset at my parents because that dont care about my opinion at ll how do I convince them that I really want to keep the baby??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!! and I expected them 2 support me more!




  1. hard situation i am against killing babies so keep the baby but be responsible for the baby

  2. If I were you, I would really take them to the side and explain to them in a sincere way that this is your body and baby and you would like to keep it.  Explain how they may have felt when they conceived you, how it is a blessing and a gift.  Although it was unplanned, it is just a surprise... NOT an accident.  I hope this helps, keep your head up....

  3. YOU DONT HAVE 2 GET A ABORTION IF YOU WANT 2... Tell them wht kind of lesson would this be 4 u to just run around and know tht you can have s*x without taking the responsibilities tell them how much this baby will change you and make you a better person!!!

  4. Tell your parents you don't believe in abortion.

    But the only reason theyre telling you to get one is because you will have obstacles in your life if you keep the baby.

    I don't agree with your parents, I think you should totally keep the baby if you want to, and especally if the father isn't bailing out.

  5. ok its your kid,they have NO control over it or you. if you want to keep it, keep it. they can't make you do anything with the baby. and if they try to, suing them works, even better for money to raise the kid. >:)

  6. if they want u to get an abortion and basically their going to make u get one u just got to tell them this is my doing i screwed up and now i forced myself to grow up faster then i had to. i dont want to get an abortion i dont want to murder my own baby. and if they still try to make u get it and u are certain u dont want to then ur just going to have to move out.i know its gonna be hard for u but its better than killing ur baby. if u get an abortion ur going to regret it when u get older.  ur just going to have to try to stay with friends or family for a a few weeks get urself a job and try to save money. if i were u i would just move out and try to work and support myself i would rather bust my butt quit school and live in a dump than kill my baby because my parents made me.

  7. put it to you this way.

    you cant get an abortion if you dont go. so just tell your mom your not going to go, and that for all we know this baby can save the world. Nick Cannon's mom was going to have an abortion with him, if she would have she wouldve missed out on a GREAT child. watch the "CAn i live" video by: NIck cannon and show it 2 your mom


    HOPE THIS HELPS and God Bless


    Also say "mom if grandma wouldve made you get an abortion you wouldve missed out on me"

  8. They can't force you to get an abortion so just tell them you're keeping the baby and they need to get used to it.

  9. you really just gotta tell them and if they dont then wen youre 18 move out!!!!

    good luck

  10. just tell them straight up that you're not going to have an abortion, and they can either stand with you or stand against you, but your mind is already made up.

    stick to your guns!

    i had an abortion a few months ago and i regret it everyday of my life. i wish i would've kept it instead of listening to everyone else.

    goodluck and stay strong. :]

  11. legally your parents have no rights to that baby. and if they force you to get an abortion, that could be considered child abuse in some cases.

    so really, if you want to be daring, tell them they have no legal rights and if they do you are ready to take legal action

  12. I suggest you move out and start taking responsibility for yourself in this case.   Keep in mind that you have no idea what you are getting in to.

    Your parents have no legal obligation to help you or your baby .

  13. Hate to say it, but I agree with your parents. You should have a life before becoming a parent.

  14. try to stall it to when you cant get it at kno like when ur 4 or 5 months....

    that may not work but

    sit down n talk to them..get the babies daddy family involved its part of them too..

    just have asit down and have an agreement ur growin uyp anyways

    or pretend that u got it && still hav the baby

    dont murder a defenseless baby

  15. i dont know i mean your underage so really i think she can make you get one.

  16. Well she can't force you into getting an abortion, and I'm sorry, but that's pretty f-ed up of her to say. If anything, she should suggest adoption!

    Keep the baby if you want to :)

  17. I honestly don't know... even though you want to keep the baby, I think the best thing is to give it up for adoption... no abortion though.

  18. she can't force you to get an abortion!

    besides, she's wanting you to murder HER grandchild!!!!

    dont talk to her about it.

    im glad the babys' dad is going to support him/her


    God Bless you and yerrr baby ((8

  19. Okay, to everyone here, I'm tired of the 'baby-killing' bullshit. Its only legal to abort the fetus up until 9 weeks into the pregnancy, so it's really is just a lump of cells. I know what you're thinking.."oh my god she called an innocent child a lump of cells!!" No, SCIENTIFICALLY, the fetus hasn't had enough time to grow, and it's just cells.

    And the whole thing about God made it so you'd be killing a creation of God? Um, I don't know if you've heard, but the fetus was made because THE p***s WENT INTO THE v****a WITHOUT A RAINCOAT ON. That was not an act of God.

    Sorry to be so mean, but some people need the sense kicked into them.

    If you strongly don't believe in abortion, then you tell your mother. She can't stop you. Best of luck.

  20. You don't need to convince them. It is your baby, your body and your decision. Legally, they don't have a say in this matter.

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