
How do I tell my parents...?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so I am 19 years old and have been dating my boyfriend secretly for the past 2 years due to having old-fashioned, very strict West Indian parents. I am a good kid, never been in any trouble but I don't have the best relationship with my parents (either of them). It is very hard for me to talk to them about anything but I am tired of hiding my relationship and sneaking around. I am not sure that they would agree with me having a bf. What is the best way for me to approach this topic with my parents? How did you all tell your parents about your bf/gf?




  1. You need to explain to them that you are an adult, and are capable of making your own decision, regardless of whether or not they approve of them.  Explain to them that this boy is important to you, and list the qualities that he has that you like.  Tell them that you would like them to meet him,and to have an open mind, because you respect them and their opion, but that it's ultimately your decision to continue your relationship with him.  

  2. You have to have a talk with them and tell them exactly the true.  You are 19 years old and you seem to be very mature.  If they are strick  there is no good or bad way to approach the it.  The only solution I can give you is to face them, especially wait until they are in a good mood.  Tell them you are human and responsible.  If you don't face your parents now, you will be always afraid that they may find out.  If they get mad about your having a boyfriend ask them.  How come I came into this world.  Did you ever fall in love.  Maybe they want to choose your boyfriend for you, but that does't work here. The only best way to ask them is facing it, tell them you want them to meet him, maybe they understand.  Ga

  3. KNow wut your goin thru, your 19, talk to them in a west indian, old fashioned way, then they will understand.

  4. dont tell them

    it wont be good :(

    answer mine -;...

  5. Just tell them that you have Boyfriend, your parents will have to accept it. My parents are very strict as well, much like yours, but one day i had the courage just to tell them that i had a boyfriend. I went in their room, one night and i told them that i needed to talk to them and i just told them. It was so scary but i did it. Just build up some courage and tell them. They will trust you more if you just tell them about it, instead of them finding it out by random gossip. hope it helps!

  6. Your 19.

    They cant tell you what to do anymore.

  7. Just be truthful and tell them how much you care about him and tell them they have no choice but to except it cuz your a adult

  8. well as they are your parents they have a right to know if you have a boyfriend,, its not something you should keep from them but i understand it may be hard for you as ive been in the situation myself before,, what i did was sit my mum down ( just me and her with no1 around) and i spoke to her about how i didnt want to tell her i had a boyfriend because i knew how she would react and i told her about me having a boyfriend and that we love eachother and that its my decision so she should respect it and have nothing to worry about and she calmy replied okay i love you your growing up now so i have to let you go a some point..

    I hope things go well for you .. keep me posted . x x x

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