
How do I tell my parents??????

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I have been cutting myself since Febuary and it is starting to get out of hand. I know I need help and I need to tell my mom. I'm just really scared that she will blame herself or get mad at me because we are a VERY Christian family. How can I tell her about my secret while still keeping her reaction to a minimum? How can I even bring up the topic? Please help.




  1. Try and think about why you are cutting yourself. What is happening in your mind right before you decide to do it. I know this is not an easy thing to figure out because it feels like you just "do it".

    Once you can think of at least one feeling or situation that makes you feel like cutting yourself, use that to bring up the subject with your mom.

    For example, you could say; "Mom, I have been feeling really sad, lately, about us moving to New York..."  Then, when she responds you can tell her that you know it's wrong, but that you've started cutting yourself because somehow you feel it gives relief to the sadness.

    Basically, let her react to you telling her that you have been depressed. Then go from there.

    Hope this helps!

  2. I went threw the same thing and yea its hard because my mom is a christian as well but i didnt haveto tell her she found out and i had been cutting for 7 years but i stop well not really i do it every so often still but not as much but we didhave a argument still and then she pu me in counsleing am 21 now still suffereing from other suff worse then cutting but i am getting help if i were you i would tell her no matter what may happen because you do need the help and at the end it will be better for you trust me i know i wish i never started because all the scars i have to look at keep me in touch let me know how things are going my email is

  3. Bring it up in the car one day (when your alone with her in the car) very slowly and tell her you made a big mistake and want her help and not to tell your dad.

  4. Try by explaining that you've been upset, like if there is a reason you have been doing this. Say mom lately this has been happening and vent to her. Then eventually lead up to it and say that's why I finally was driven to doing this, and show her, you might want to have her promise not to freak or tell any one or something like that. Like tell her not to blame herself and things like that. Then you need to wrap it up w/ its getting out of hand and you need help, any questions email me hope i could help!

  5. take your parents in to a quiet room sit them down and tell them

    but if you dont feel confortable telling them talk to someone else that you trust such as a friend or another family member.

  6. just tell her randomly someday or maybe if your watching something about it on tv or whatever and then just tell her;as soon as possible because she would rather know now so you can fix it and find out whats wrong rather then finding you dead.  

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