
How do I tell my parents that I'm pregnant?

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I'm 18 years old and I'll be 19 when the baby arrives. I am with my boyfriend (who is the father) and he's 20 years old, he has a full time job making decent money. I am supposed to be starting college in a couple of weeks but I was staying at home for school, and I've recently discovered that I am 9 weeks pregnant. I need to tell my parents like, today, so that they can get a refund on my tuition from school.. but I have no idea what to do. I didn't even tell my mother when I got my first period I just handled it myself- and she found out a YEAR later!

Any advice would be lovely. Thank you.




  1. Well lol

    I remember when my mom was 17 and pregnant with a boy and she told my grandma "Mom...your gonna be a grandma". But you gotta explain that you cant always leave the work with Mommy and daddy. And Abortion is never the key, its Like Murdering your own child. But try making a conversation and not an arguement. It can be hard because of what they may look like but you have to tell before its at the last minute and will be devastated and mad because u never told them. Bascially try sorting it all out

    I wish you the best of luck with your Newborn to come!~

  2. Well this is tricky but just tell her the truth! Good luck raising the baby.

  3. what ever you do stay in school... from what I see your parents failed to communicate the little thing that instill trust. they let you down by not talking to you about growing up... now it is up to you to open those lines of communication so sit them down and just tell them. they are likely to deny or question your certainty (back to the trust thing) your life as you know it is over for the next 20 yrears or so but you have a chance to right the wrongs just STAY IN SCHOOL it will be alot easier now than when you are trying raise an older child... trust me on this...

  4. Ease your way into it. Tell them that youve found youve found yourself in a situation that you can no longer attend school at the moment. and you need them to get the refund asap. and that you plan to work full time blah blah so that you and your boyfriend can move together before january because..... youre going to be grandparents. and force a smile! theyre not going to be tooo happy.. but just let them vent, dont talk back, agree with whatever they say and apologize if necesary.. and then the hardest part is over.


  5. you're an adult and it's not your parents' business. go to college and get your degree. Boyfriend can support you!

  6. I would just sit them down and tell them. Be calm and rational and if they get upset stay calm and rational. You are an adult now, so you have the legal right to make your own decisions.

    I know how you feel. I didn't tell my mom about my period either. :)

    Good luck!

  7. Just tell them, if you can't tell them that you are pregnant then you shouldn't have been having s*x.

    Why pull out of school?  You can still attend and be pregnant.

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