So both of my parents are kind of christian... my father converted to roman Catholicism however, he has lots of knowledge about certain occult arts and religions...but forbids me to practice them. My mother is protestant. Anyways, over the years since I was young I've been fascinated by the occult studies. I've been trying to find a way to tell my parents that I think I've found my path. My mother kind of knows, but she ignores it. Last week she was looking through my internet bookmarks, and she saw all these sites on Shamanism, Thelema, Goetia, the golden dawn, modern vampirism etc, and it scared her lol. Anyways, I feel that I am unable to be myself because my parents aren't allowing me to practice what I believe in. Instead, I am often dragged to church and preached at.. it's coming to a point where I start getting depressed because I feel forced to repress an aspect of myself in order to please them. My question is, how do I educate my parents about the occult, and how should I tell them about my interest in it?