
How do I tell my parents that I want to become a Vegetarian?

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I'm 12 years old and I'm going into 7th grade. I've always had a passion for animals and want to become a vet. I want to become a vegetarin not only for the health benifits, but to helo the poor animals! Whenever I eat meat the first thing that comes to mind is the poor little animal that is dieing just to be put on a plate and to satisfy my hunger. I really REALLY want to become a vegetarian but I don't know how to tell my parents. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advanced!


~Kitkat<333 :) :D :^O - and the smiles keep on growing!! ^_^

P.S: Wouldn't you just hte to be eatn like them? They deserve to live just as much as we do!




  1. I was in the third grade when I told my parents, they were cool with it. Just bring the subject up at dinner and ask if they would object to you becoming a vegetarian. Offer to cook your own special meals so they don&#039;t feel like it&#039;ll be a chore for them.

    Also if they&#039;re o.k. with it visit a doctor to work out a diet and don&#039;t ever try to force your views upon them.

  2. I&#039;m thirteen.

    I just flat out told my mom, and she didn&#039;t really take me very seriously.

    When my dad found out, he gave me a lecture on how chickens were stupid anyways, and that the animals die a quick death. As you can tell, he&#039;s a major meat-eater.

    Then yesterday, the subject came up again, and I let my mom know that I was serious about this and that it&#039;s not a joke or anything.

    So, you might just have to work up to telling them.

    maybe, mention it, then gradually talk about it more often until they definitely get the point, if you don&#039;t want to just surprise them.

    hope that helps.

  3. maybe just sit your parents down and tell them how you feel.  i know they may be concerned about where you will get your protein from but there are plenty of choices out there nowadays.  i turned vegetarian and have never looked back, again the thoughts of those animals being killed, so i feel im doing something for them by not eating meat.  you obviously feel very strongly about this.  i wish you the best of luck.

  4. Sweetheart, just tell them. Plain and simple. &quot;mom, dad, I dont like meat. Please feed me beans, nuts, and veggies.&quot;


  5. My son of 8 years old eats Vegan like me, but when he visits his father, his father says, eat meat here or you don&#039;t eat at all.

    My so gets so upset but he&#039;s really hungry and so he eats what his father makes him eat!  It&#039;s sad!

  6. I am in the same situation, except I am going into 8th grade

    I love animal, my dream is to be a vet, and I feel the same way about animals dieing to be put on a plate. What kind of life is that?

    Don&#039;t go out and say &quot; I am a vegitarian so don&#039;t feed me meat ever again&quot; that will just make them annoyed and they will of course make you eat meat.

    What you should do is learn all about the things you need each day. such as protein. find out other ways to get protein. Such as eating veggie burgers, tofu, beans and nuts. To make things easier I&#039;ll tell you that you need 50 grams of protein. a few grams under won&#039;t hurt you, but try your best to reach that number. choose whether you want to cut out meat slowly or cut it out cold turkey! pardon the expression! If you have a sensitive stomach I recommend you cut meat out slowly. So your stomach has time to adjust. Talk to your doctor if you feel strange. If you lose feeling in any part of your body. Then you HAVE to get more Protein!!! Try to get alot of fiber in your diet.

    Hope all goes well. P.S. I will be posting a vidio in a min stad by-

    EDIT: ok here is the video- please don&#039;t watch it if you really hate to see animals in pain, I am warning you. I am only showing this to you becasue it will really get you motavaited to be a vegitarian. You could also show your parents what they EXACTLY do to animals too. I am going into 8th and you said you are going into 7th so I think you are old enough to handel the truth. Please DON&#039;T WATCH IT if you don&#039;t want to see animals suffer, PLEASE, very graphic.

  7. Just tell them that you don&#039;t like meat,in soybean lot of things which test same and all calories etc. you get same as from meat.

  8. Just tell them and sit them down that its not the end of the world because your not devouring its so sad hope people can overreact over something as small as being a vegetarian........give them facts on how the animals people eat are tortured before they even hit there plates and how people were never meant to eat flesh from anything because our stomachs dont have the acids to breackdown meat like animals do thats why it rots or you can even show them how some people are even allergic to meat and are still healthy cultures that may not even eat meat and are healthy (india) and even the bible proverb 12:15 says we werent supposed to eat the animals he created . best of luck to you it will just take time then they will realize your serious about it and will leave you alone

  9. Just be upfront with your parents and tell them you want to be vegetarian. Here are a couple dos and don&#039;ts for simplicity and your amusement.

    Do talk to your parents with an adult demeanor. This way they will not be able to chalk up the dietary change to teenage rebellion or a phase.

    Don&#039;t expect your parents to change their diet to fit your beliefs. I know you probably won&#039;t do this but there are some people that do.

    Do offer to help cook dinners for yourself. This will ease the burden of your parents needing to cook separate meals. The added benefit of some built in family time and you will learn life skills.

    Do offer to see a dietitian or nutritionist to ease their health concerns. This will also help you learn how to properly balance protein, grains, and vegetables to have a healthy vegetarian diet.

    Don&#039;t proselytize. Ranting about the &quot;evils&quot; of meat will just make your parents more resistant or defensive. Also, please note that most of the information on-line can be propaganda from both anti and pro veggie sites.

    Do find recipes to try out. You may be able to convince your parents to try them as well if they look appetizing.

    Hope this helps.

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