
How do I tell my younger brother?

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I'm 19 and for the past to years my 15 year old brother has spent the summer with me, well he will be going home soon and I have decide to tell him that I am g*y. He looks up to me, and is a great friend. How do I tell him that I'm g*y? please give me some good advice




  1. You should sit him down when he's in a good mood and just tell him

    and i agree with technicolour rain try not to male it look like it's going to be something really big

  2. most kids now adays dont think being g*y is such a big thing ...but you should tell him  

  3. I would say that at 15 he already knows. Or at least 'suspects' has a strong hunch. It doesn't change the relationship between you in any way.

  4. i would just flat out tell him that your g*y... im sure being at 15 he should no and understand about it... maybe he's g*y to... you never no

  5. Take and sit him down and say I have something to tell you, and I hope you won't look at me any differently but you need to know that I am g*y.

  6. Just be like hey... bro... I have to tell you something important that you probably don't know about me. I'm g*y.

  7. ^^^ lol. That's always good not to make him think you have cancer and 3 days to live... :D Next time you guys go out somewhere or just when you're sitting there making small talk because of nothing better to do would be a good time. Don't tell him when something big is going on or if he is in a bad mood. Maybe take him out for some ice cream and just sit at a table and talk about it. I would just be like "Hey, I'm g*y..." Ok, maybe not that short... :D But I wouldn't make a big deal out of it. I think it's great that you are coming out to him! I don't have the guts to come out to people I know yet.... I wish I would just do it like you... Anyways, I'm sure he'll look up to you even more than he did. Good luck! :D

  8. I don't know the community or religious or cultural context you and your good brother live in, so I'm not sure if this question might have other baggage attached to it.

    If your brother is cool with what sexual orientation is all about, and is g*y-friendly, then yeah, you can just put it out there simply like the other answerers have suggested.

    But if you aren't sure if your brother knows about sexual orientation so much, or if the word "g*y" is loaded with bad connotations, you could back it up a step and introduce the question by saying,

    "You know how most people are right handed, but other people are left handed?  And it's not a choice, it's just who they are?  In the same way, most guys fall in love with girls, but other guys just naturally fall in love with guys.

    "Well, I don't fall in love with girls like you do; I fall in love with guys...I'm g*y."

    I don't know how intellectual or s*x-educated your brother is, so maybe the above is a tedious answer.  But it could help, if he really doesn't know about orientation, to compare it with being right- or left-handed.  That way he knows you didn't just wake up and say, "Gee, I think I'll choose to be g*y".

    Also, in case your family or community is conservative, make sure he understands this does *not* mean that you sleep around with lots of guys or that you are immoral.  Let him know that (as I expect is likely true) you hope for just the right person, some awesome guy to share your life with.  If you come from a religious family, let him know you still love and honor God.

    Ask him if he has questions, too, and let him know it's okay to ask.  

    Depending on his personality, he might just accept this quickly and quietly, or he may have tons of questions.  He could ask whether this means you are effeminate (no), to what g*y s*x is all about (not all g*y guys do the same things, but they do pretty much the same stuff as straight couples do).  I doubt if he'll ask personal questions about anal s*x, but you know about the prostate gland just in case.

    Keep it clear -- and the focus of this whole issue centered on -- that this is about whom you *love*.  That this is all about sharing your life with some awesome dude, and that someday you will find a great guy and will want your brother to love and accept him as part of your family.

    Just my two cents.  Tell us how it goes, friend!

  9. it`s much easier to tell ur little brother i think.take him out to a cafe or something and tell him how much u love him and how much u trust him,then tell him,if he really looks up to u then he would see it as a lesson about how important it is to be honest with ur brother

    good luck  

  10. Just be honest with him and tell him straight out. If you guys have a good relationship, he'll understand.

  11. You should find a good moment, sit down with him, and tell him...also, DON'T make him feel like you're about to tell him you have brain cancer and only have 3 days to live, a lot of people do that and it makes the situation VERY awkward...

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