
How do I tell the guy that I've known for 5 years that I really like him and want to be more than friends?

by  |  earlier

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I met this guy about 5 years ago on myspace. Now I know how this sounds but just listen. For the first year all we did was talk on line until he ask for my number. I wasn't too quick to give it to him don't worry. I did my research. I'm not stupid. He said he had gone to my school so I asked around if any of my teachers knew him. They did and had nothing but nice thing to say about him. well I gave him my number after that and we have been pretty good friends ever since. We did eventually meet. Him with some of his friends and me with mine. He says now that he used to really really like me but I live here and he lived some where else. about 2 years in knowing each other I started to realize that I really like this guy. Maybe even love but he had moved on. We still talk but it seems as though the only times we do talk is when he wants advice about the recent girl he's going out with or they just broke up. I mean I don't mind helping him it's just that is the only time he talks to me. All I think of when he talks to me about these girls is that he could be so better off with me. I've known him longer than all these girls he's been going after and I'm pretty sure I have made my self pretty clear when it comes to the subject of me likeing him but it just doesn't seem to get through, or he just chooses to ignore it. I don't know. My friends think I should forget about him, but I just can't. He is 4 years older than me and lives on his own. He has been having a lot of trouble so I have offered him places to stay and have been helping him to find a job. But he seems totally unappreciative when it comes to me helping him out. But when some other girl offers to let him stay at there parents house he seems more than willing and actually pretty excited. I just need to figure or something to do to make him realize that I really love him and to make him give me an answer back wether its good or not. I just need to know.

What should I do?




  1. Just be completely honest with him.  Maybe set up a surprise note - to have him meet you somewhere and just tell him the truth.  I know it's cliche but - if you never tell him how you feel than you'll never know what might have been.  Just to throw another one in - Honesty is the best policy!

  2. try to talk to him as if your friend had same problem as yours and see what he advices you then if it's positive try to ct the advice,if not forget the whole thing

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