
How do I tell the kids at school that I'm pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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Yes, my parent's know. And yes, I know I was stupid to get pregant at 15. I regret it, so please don't lecture me. :/

Anyways, how do I tell them? I'm 13 weeks. Should I tell them this soon? Because I'm not really showing, I can hide it easily with a t-shirt.




  1. tell your friends, but don't go telling random people. They'll know when you get bigger.

  2. You don't have to tell anybody anything. If you decide to tell friends and teachers it's up to you. Otherwise your belly will give you away down the road.

  3. Dont tell anyone you dont trust with your life

  4. I would not annouce it to the school....Which really all you have to do is tell one of your friends and by the end of the day everyone will know  (that is how it always goes cause no one can keep a secret)

    If you are meaning the school then just go in and tell them cause they cannot do nothing to you.

  5. i wouldn't tell anyone id just act normal and when they start to notice and ask just be like yeah I'm preg... good luck and I'm sure you will do great make sure you give this little one a great life and finish school

  6. You don't have to tell anyone.  You don't owe anyone an explanation.

    But if someone asks you and you feel obligated to answer, I would simply say. "Yes, I am pregnant, can we move along?"

  7. Don't tell anyone you don't want to know.

    People will find out through other people, and eventually you'll get big and give birth.

    If people tell other people, and those people come up and ask you if it's the truth, then just say "Why yes, I'm pregnant." and act proud.

    My friend got a lot of "Preggo" and stuff comments, but she looked proud, and not many people bothered her.

    Best wishes

  8. Don't- unless you want to become a target for your school's bullies. And don't tell me there are no bullies at your school- that's a load of BS. EVERY HIGH SCHOOL in America has bullies, and people who get pleasure out of tormenting others. I should know- I attended one of them, and I still have the scars from it. When you get a little further along, I would talk to your guidance counselor and parents, and ask about either alternative schooling, or home schooling. Both of these will get you away from the people who are most likely to cause trouble for you- the bullies and the "popular" girls.

    Believe me, you have a lot on your plate as it is ( I have to wonder how you are going to support yourself and your baby, when you aren't even old enough to have a license yet, LET ALONE a JOB which pays anything decent) without having to deal with these kids who are going to do nothing except make your life a living h**l.  Does your boyfriend know you're having his kid?? For your baby's sake, I hope so- because he needs to start acting like a MAN and take responsibility for his actions. You have a right to petition the court and get him to pay child support, and pay for your medical expenses when the baby comes.

    Meanwhile, I would also look into getting some private tutoring at home- that's the route you should go once you start showing, unless you want to become a laughing stock and an object of scorn and pity. Kids your age are not very tolerant of people who make this kind of mistake, pal- and you WILL PAY for it, one way or another.  

  9. who says you have to tell anyone?! when you start getting a little big and people ask then just be like,"yup, i am", then that'll be it.

  10. I personally wouldn't go around telling everyone. It's not really their business. They'll find out when you start showing.

  11. tell a couple of your good friends and it will soon be around the whole school


  12. dont just go around telling people, its not their business

    dont be afraid to show the fact that your preggo, embrace it.

    if they come up and ask you about it, tell them the truth

    and be ready for a bunch of talking behind your back

  13. it's not their business, they should know when you start to show.

    telling your PE teacher would be a good idea, though...

  14. You don't owe them an explanation... don't tell anyone but you're closest friends.

  15. why do you have to tell them? i would just tel my close friends.

  16. Well tell your friends first. Just say " Can i tell you something?" "im pregnant". But please dont tell a whole bunch of people"

    But of course, eventually word will get around that you are pregnant, before you start showing.  

  17. you don't need to tell them, wait and let them see it.

  18. there really is no reason to tell them its none of their business i mean what are they going to help provide for the baby or something?{unlikely}seem like the ppl that need to know your pregnant knows.

    I know you going to start showing and im not telling you to lie about it,if they ask you tell the truth but dont just go around telling ppl or bringing it up.

  19. DONT why do u feel u have to go to school and broadcast it, it's noones business and sooner or later they'll find out without u saying anything

  20. let them find out themselves.....but make sure you just ignore the people who talk about you!!!

    remember that whatever you feel, your baby feels it worse ...well that's what i've heard

  21. i wouldnt tell anyone they will find out

  22. Are you even in school right now? it's still august, school doesn't start for kids until september.

    I think you should only tell those closest to you. There's no need to tell people you don't particularly care about. Either way, the mean people will still do what they will do or say what they will say. What matters are the people who will be there to help you out and support you emotionally.

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