
How do I tell the other girls at school to stop being jealous of me?

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Why is everyone so jealous of me? Like I'm sorry that I'm rich and popular. But I can't help it that I'm popular.

I just wish I could say this to all those ugly nerdy girls at school. Their envy is starting to annoy me. At first I liked it but now they're just getting desperate! Like this girl saw me wearing my new Louis Vuitton flip-flops, and the next day she was wearing the same one (probably fake fyi)! What do I do?




  1. i dont think people are jealouse of you. i think they would think that stuff that you wear may look good on them. now dont think that way or you will become a very nasty person. and soon you will have no friends. try to have a possitive attitude towards everybody. since you are so popular you dont want your reputation ruined. and have people believe you are a big *****. try to be carismatic even with the nerdy ugly fat people. after all they have feelints too. let alone you dont have to be involved with them but treat everyone nice. GOD DANGIT WHAT AM I SAYIN to heck with those fat people. at least just hte fat ones. lol

  2. First get over yourself.  The fact that you noticed her shoes as well say that maybe you have something to be jealous about.  NORMAL people don't go trough life knowing every detail of someone else's life.  Unless your shoes were custom one of a kinds don't get so full of yourself.  For one they probably feel sorry for you because your so called popularity is in vain...Let those same friends find someone else or you loose all that soooo called money or looks that you have and see where the dust lies..I don't wish any harm to you but money is made of paper paper burns and can be destroyed so does property etc.  Why don't you start being real and forget the BS of imagined Jealousy..I know in your little mind this isn't even meant for someone like you but give it a try..who knows one day all the little "self righteousness that you posses" may get corrected and you may become someone real and actually genuine.

  3. babe I totally know what you mean! Its just weird right? Get a life. lol

    What I do is I be modest. I don't want to come off to stand offish so I'm nice when I talk to the freaks. Other then that, I ignore them. Why should I make some nerds day by talking to them and telling them to stop? I don't!

    Anyways, hope this helped! <3

  4. Those people are not jealous of you.

    They just like the same things you do. Have you ever seen someone that has worn jeans after you did? Yeah, I'm sure you have, that does not mean their copying you. Maybe you should give them a chance since they seem to like the same things as you instead of b****ing about how it's the end of your world for kids not liking you.

    There are many people out there who are FAR worse off than you. If you're so rich why not donate something? Have you ever heard the expression "Love all, Trust a few"?

    Yeah, try it.

    P.S. No one here is jealous of you either, bragging over the internet is like lying about being pretty- You make people believe you but you're still ugly.


  5. Ok can't even say you're not conceited. In the very first sentence you announced that you were "rich and popular". Chances are, people aren't as jealous of you as you think. They're just mad because you show it off and treat them badly. No one is here is jealous either hun. I'd rather be happy than a brat like you any day. and just so you know, the "nerdy ugly ones" are the ones that will be sucessful in life because they didnt get by on looks or money. Get a grip and stop this. (btw, think what you want but everyone is beautiful in their own way so  just sop this and you'll see a difference trust me)

  6. Oh, just continue with the same attitude and you won't have to worry about telling anybody anything. If these nerdy girls are envious and jealous, it's just a matter of time before they all see what an ugly person really looks like. Maybe not so much on the outside, but what  really counts in life is the person within.  They'll soon find out they don't want to be anything like you. I suggest you go buy yourself a different pair of flip flops.

    Ha ha....before i hit submit, I saw your "additional details", I don't even have to look at the other responses, I already know what they said. I also suggest you rehearse the following phrases....

    "one ticket to (insert movie title here)"

    "table for one" (oh, was going to end in please, but...nevermind)

    "what is is like having a TRUE FRIEND?"

    "I'm tired of being a TROPHY WIFE"

    ....theres more, but I'll keep them to myself.

  7. you sound very much like a typical ******, they just hate you for your arrogance and boastful behavior. I think your the type who announces to the world and show off your wealth and the "a-lot-a-lot" of friends that you have. You really think too highly of yourself, ******.  

  8. Tell them you have herpes.  They won't be jealous anymore.

  9. Lmao

  10. wow....conceited much......???

  11. wow. You're a jerk.

    from what you've written, no one is jealous of you sweetheart, they just hate you.

  12. Like, Oh my gosh, I hate it when the nerds copy me too!

    oh yeah, fyi, you're a ***** and you're gonna be the jealous one when all of your popular bff's ditch you and you try to create an (unsuccesful) acting career, meanwhile, they'll be sucessful in everything they do and have families who love them dearly.

    EDIT: Oh please! Noone online is jealous of you either, so don't even try to play that card. You're whole account is probably fake anyway, cause all of your questions are basically hate-mail.

    p.s. You're a loser!

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