
How do I tell this guy i'm not interested? ?

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Ok. I've been kinda talking to this guy for about 2 months.. and i have no feelings for him. we text a lot but barley see each other or talk on the phone. When we do see each other its really awkward. We are both really quiet and don't say much. i want to tell him that we should just be friends and i don't see anything more than just a friend of him but i don't really know how. & how can i over come my shyness?

oh yea.. I've always been like really really super shy around guys! so like he isn't the first one




  1. The words "Back OFF BUCKO!" usually make me quit.

  2. same prob as me real shy just say sorry but I'm not able to go

  3. send a text message

  4. "hey, i'm like you, but not like that. i like you as a friend."

  5. I get really timid a lot, but I have to face up to the facts that if i want something (or in your case, don't want something), I just have to overcome that obstacle and step up to the plate. I've always liked a challenge! So, with this guy, just be real with him. Don't text him. Just take a deep breath walk up to him and say, "I really like talking to you ____(what ever his name is), but if you don't mind, I think we should just be friends." Good luck. You are like a caterpillar. Once you come out of that cacoon, you'll be like a beautiful butterfly. You'll be so relieved, too. Good luck though!

  6. Talk to him like he's a girlfriend. If you don't like him like that, then why worry about doing something stupid?

    Talk to him about other guys. That is a surefire way to say to him - without sounding rude - that you aren't interested in an intimate way.

  7. Did he tell you he likes you? If not, don't say anything. If he did, tell him you're just not into him like that. Be honest. He'll appreciate that more than some lie you come up with.  

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