
How do I thank some one Individual for answerto my question?

by  |  earlier

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Q&A Man, thanx much for your help but it didn't work. I've ended up the past hour cleaning up the mess they put me in.

IT"S NOT YOUR FAULT! It's probably mine, I'm a novice. But now that I do have a new password, how do I change it TO WHAT I want? Anyone? THANX IN ADVANCE.




  1. To thank the Answerer individually:

    Go to their profile, if it is open for communication, you can send them mails or IM.

    Add details to the question while it is open.

    Add remarks to the when picking for best answer.

    Post comment to the resolved question.

  2. well it depends on rather your a guy or a chick on how you thank someone individually for their help... wink wink

  3. go to yahoo messenger and see if that works

  4. to thank someone individually you can email or IM them. If they dont have that then I guess you can do what you just did but it'll cost you 5 pts everytime

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