
How do I throw an effective changeup?

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How do I throw an effective changeup?




  1. Get your own grip that works for you. For me its a circle change grip. Put it deep in your palm. Throw with fastball arm speed. That way the friction from your hand will slow it down but your arm looks like a fastball you can fool batters.

  2. Throw it exactly like your fastball, but put the ball deep in your hand. Use the circle change - hold the ball deep in your palm with your index finger off the ball wrapping around to your thumb. This will also put some movement on your pitch.

  3. in addition to shintalka, putting it deep into your palm. you can apply pressure with your fingers which will cause friction as well.with a circle change-up grip i like to let it pop off (when i release) from where the circle (from the fingers) is on the ball that way it has a slight drop to it.

  4. Go online and look up how to grip the ball for a changeup. Once you have learned the grip, throw the baseball with a fastball arm speed. Nothing changes when you go to throw an offspeed pitch except the grip. Always remember that!

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    - The Professor

  5. Very Carefully.

  6. the trick is to throw it at full arm speed if you were to slow your arm then the batter will know

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