
How do I tie my shoes?

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I'm in preschool and I need to know how to tie my shoes. I have a test next week so hurry please.




  1. haha. very funny. please stop wasting my time.

  2. left over right then under the right then back to the right then tie the bow

  3. sure. but then again. you shoudlnt be able to read. or write in that case.

  4. sure

    get off the computer yoru to young

  5. slip on shoes would be your best bet - or bunny ears, but I never really liked that idea. I go for the more traditional like a  couple of other people described on here.

  6. left over right then under the right then back to the right then tie the bow then there you are!

  7. So you are able to read and write and type but you can't tie your shoes, ok I have 4 yr olds in my class that can tie their shoes but only recognize 8 - 15 words, and none of them are as big as preschool or please or as complicated as shoes, so I'm going to guess this is a bored kid older then 7 or  a mentally challenged adult who thinks that this is a funny question to see what kind of reply he/she could receive! In any case here is my answer,....................... buy Velcro shoes, you'll look about as cool as your question looked like a 4yr old wrote!

  8. get velcro much more suited to your level!

  9. ask ur parents to teach you.
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