
How do I trace someone in Republic of Ireland?

by Guest62591  |  earlier

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How do I trace someone in Republic of Ireland?




  1. I have to agree with answer one the church keeps great records.  I went to Ireland with an study abroad group and one of the girls i went with found her Aunt and Uncle who she never met by going through the church records and finding her dads parents and about him.  She also found out where he was burried since he back to Ireland when she was a baby and passed away.  Go to the church they are great all you need is a bit of information, ie names and birthdates or dates married.

  2. You could put a piece of paper over them and use a pencil.

    Seriously though, a lot of tracing is done through church registers, as they tend to keep excellent records, You would only need to have some idea of the locality.

  3. As this question is under the category for Waterford, are you specifically looking for someone in the Waterford area?

    Start with the information you know.  The person's name, age, career, religious belief, any snippet of address that you might have.  Do a search for the person's name.  If for any reason, that name was used by a newspaper, you may get a result which will help refine your search.  Indeed, a letter to the editor of any Waterford newspaper may be read by someone who knows this person (do a search for 'waterford newspaper').  If you can narrow your search down to one area in Waterford, search for a post office in the area, they would be familiar with most of the folk there.  Priests, schools, telephone directory, there are lots of avenues you can explore.

    Good luck !!

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