
How do I trace someone who disappeared in Iran in 1976?

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He was Iranian who had been a student in England. He went home following my wedding and was never heard of again. Can I check if he is alive or dead




  1. wow. if the cops have never found out then i wouldnt know

  2. If you are in the UK, then Iranian embassy will be the best bet. Or perhaps find out about any local Iranian organization in the area, and see if they can help.

  3. He could have come back to England?

    We have several ex-Iranians living in our Town in the Midlands, and one lovely guy who "got out" in the 70's - he insists he is Persian!  Good-luck to him - he sells marvellous olives in our market!

    You could try to see if he has a phone number listed in the UK (where it asks for an area, put "United Kingdom" or advertise for him on Friends Reunited, or e-mail me privately and I'll see if I can find him on the Electoral Roll.

  4. Hi there, there isn't much information there , where was he born, but for some reason i think i be able to help you , was his name started with 'B' and had family in Tehran and few in city of "Uremia" and few in city of "ahwaz" ?if that correct let me know

  5. You will need to hire an investigator that can make inquiries legally in Iran. Most likely an attorney. If the government had to do anything with the disappearance, you will probably come up empty.

  6. Speak to your local Member of Parliament and get him to contact the Iranian Embassy possibly through the Foreign Office?

  7. Check the Immigration records from the date of his departure and arrival in England and Iran, respectively.

  8. You contact Iranian Embassy inUK with full name and details of the missing person.You may get information.Due to internal srife in Iran many people are missing in Iran.Hope you will be able to locate your friend.Good Luck.

  9. I have heard of people being located via information provided by psychic's (even law enforcement, & archaeologist's have been known to use their services). Don't rely on just one though, as they are rarely 100% accurate. I would suggest this as an absolute last resort !!!

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